U.S. Department of Justice

Out of Trouble: Reducing Child Imprisonment in England and Wales--Lessons from Abroad

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Oct. 23, 2009

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  • Out of Trouble: Reducing Child Imprisonment in England and Wales--Lessons from Abroad

ANNOTATION: “The primary purpose of this report is to look at specific policy and practice examples from outside the UK and also examples of relevant recent wholesale youth justice reform that has successfully reduced the number of children incarcerated in a particular jurisdiction” (p. iv). These ten chapters are bookended by an introduction and conclusion: alternatives to custodial remand; dealing with non-compliance; measures for children under 15; alternatives for violent/serious persistent offenders; treating substance misuse and mental health problems; other options; decarceration case study two—New York State, USA; and using the fiscal infrastructure to cut imprisonment. An appendix provides population and comparative social indicators for the countries looked at.

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