U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
A - Z Index:

     Indian Health Manual

Part 3 - Professional Services

Chapter 24 - Final Document Stamp/Seal Requirements

Title Section
Introduction 3-24.1
    Purpose 3-24.1A
    Policy 3-24.1B
    Licensure 3-24.1C
    Definitions 3-24.1D
Program Element Guidelines 3-24.2
    Professional Registration 3-24.2A
    Performance 3-24.2B
    State-specific Licensing 3-24.2C
    Exemption 3-24.2D
Procedures 3-24.3
    Final Documents 3-24.3A
    Document Revisions 3-24.3B
    Revision Section 3-24.3C
    Record Drawings 3-24.3D
    Construction Drawings 3-24.3E
    Shop Drawings 3-24.3F
    Specifications 3-24.3G

3-24.1  Introduction.

  1. Purpose.  This chapter establishes the policy, objectives, responsibilities, and guidelines relating to Professional Engineer and Registered Architect final document stamp/seal requirements for the Indian Health Service (IHS).  This chapter applies to all IHS new construction, renovation, and/or alteration of sanitation facilities, health care facilities, and staff quarters.

  2. Policy.  The IHS requires all engineering and architectural services provided to be completed directly by or under the direct supervision of a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect.

  3. Licensure.  The IHS requires engineers and architects providing Architectural/ Engineering services or considered as the “Responsible Charge” to register and be licensed.  The registration of engineers and architects as a “Professional Engineer” and “Registered Architect” is a means established by the States to ensure that the public’s health, welfare, safety, and property are protected.  The IHS fully supports this purpose; registration as a “ProfessionalEngineer” or a “Registered Architect” is mandatory for key technical and management positions.  Registration supports compliance with the Public Building Act of 1959, 40 United States Code (U.S.C.) 601-619, as amended, with respect to the observance of nationally recognized building codes.  Engineers and architects who are employed by the IHS are required to obtain registration in their fields; however, such registration is not required to be obtained from any particular State.

  4. Definitions.

    1. Architectural/Engineering Services.  Architectural/Engineering services as defined in 40 U.S.C. 541, means professional services of an architectural or engineering nature as defined by State law, if applicable, that are required to be performed or approved by a person licensed, registered, or certified to provide those services; to be performed under a contract addressing research, planning, development, design, construction, alteration, or repair of real property; and any of an architectural or engineering nature or are incidental services that members of the architectural and engineering professions (and individuals in their employ) may logically or justifiably perform, including:

      1. studies,

      2. investigations,

      3. surveying and mapping,

      4. tests,

      5. evaluations,

      6. consultations,

      7. comprehensive planning,

      8. program management,

      9. conceptual designs,

      10. plans and specifications,

      11. value engineering,

      12. construction phase services,

      13. soils engineering,

      14. drawing reviews,

      15. preparation of operation and maintenance manuals, and

      16. other related services

    2. Final Documents.  Final documents are engineering or architectural drawings and specifications prepared and distributed for filing with public officials, construction use, final Agency approvals, or use by clients.

    3. Professional Engineer.  A Professional Engineer is any individual licensed by a State, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. Territory to practice engineering.

    4. Record Drawings.  Record drawings are final construction drawings (including shop drawings) updated with actual construction information from the start through the completion of construction.

    5. Registered Architect.  A Registered Architect is any individual licensed by a State, the District of Columbia, or U.S. Territory to practice architecture.

    6. Responsible Charge.  States define "responsible charge" as it directly relates to the degree of control exercised in engineering and architectural work and to the engineering and architectural decisions that can be made only by a licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect.  Responsible charge includes making engineering/architectural decisions or reviews and approving proposed decisions, including the consideration of alternatives.  Responsible charge also pertains to judging the qualifications of technical specialists and the validity and/or applicability of their recommendations.


  1. Professional Registration.  The architect or engineer shall be registered to practice his/her respective discipline in a State or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia.  Professional registration is to be in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws.

  2. Performance.  A licensed Professional Engineer/Registered Architect must practice and perform engineering/architectural work only in those fields in which the engineer/architect is fully qualified, competent, and proficient.  The provision of all architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, or other engineering services shall be accomplished, reviewed, and approved by “Registered Architects” or “Professional Engineers.”

  3. State-Specific Licensing.  All Architect/Engineering services must comply with State-specific license requirements. State-specific licensing is required to ensure an individual’s knowledge of particular issues for responsible and adequate system design.  For example, there may be structural requirements due to wind (i.e., Florida and Texas) or geographic areas of high seismic activity and/or arctic environments (permafrost activity).

  4. Exemption.  In many States, licensed Professional Engineers/Registered Architects, either commissioned corps officers and/or employees of the United States, practicing specifically on Federal property and solely as such, are exempt from registration requirements within that particular State.  Professional Engineers/Registered Architects are responsible for verifying any State exemption prior to practicing within that State.


  1. Final Documents.  The title and/or index sheet of all final documents shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Architect/Professional Engineer.  Only the cover page of the specifications for a construction contract shall be stamped/sealed by the architect or engineer in charge of the work depicted in that specification.  Each drawing, other than the title and/or index sheet, shall be signed and sealed by the Registered Architect or Professional Engineer in charge of the work depicted on that drawing.  Drawings prepared by a consultant to the prime architect/engineer may be signed and sealed by the consultant.  Drawings prepared by IHS professionals (in-house designs) shall be signed and wet-sealed as directed by the Division Director, District Engineer, and/or designated Area Officer.  Final drawings (full size) and other documents (specifications) shall bear original signatures and wet seals.  A permanent (Mylar) hard copy of the “final documents” will be maintained by the IHS at one of the following locations:

    1. The original licensed Professional Engineer's/Registered Architect's office,

    2. the approving office, or

    3. an office designated by the program.

  2. Document Revisions.  Appropriate change symbols must be used to indicate the changes (document revisions) whenever changes are made to the original documents.

  3. Revision Section.  The “Revision”section of the title block on the drawing sheet must be completed with all the required information, symbols, signatures, and dates. If the revisions are not signed off by the original licensed Professional Engineer/Registered Architect, the new engineer/architect in charge of the revisions must stamp the revisions.

  4. Record Drawings.  Record drawings (as-built drawings) stamped by a licensed Professional Engineer/Registered Architect are required for all IHS construction projects, unless otherwise noted.  Final record drawings shall be updated in the respective computer-aided design format or the file format specified by the IHS.  The update is to include all amendment and modification issues.  After the documents are completely updated, they are to be marked “RECORD DRAWINGS” (or “AS-BUILT DRAWINGS”) and dated.  All record drawings are to be completed with final disbursement in accordance with the Construction Project Agreement or Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) contracting requirements, as applicable.

  5. Construction Drawings.  Construction drawings shall be updated with actual construction information noted on the respective drawing sheets from the start through the completion of construction.

  6. Shop Drawings.  When shop drawings are included, a cross-reference shall be recorded at the corresponding location on the drawings.

  7. Specifications.

    1. Record specification stamped by a licensed Professional Engineer/Registered Architect are required for all IHS construction projects, unless otherwise noted.

    2. Construction specifications shall be updated with actual construction information noted on the respective specification page from the start through the completion of construction.

    3. Final record specifications shall be updated in the respective electronic word processing format or the final format by the IHS.  The update is to include all amendment and modification issues.

    4. When shop drawings are included, a cross-reference shall be recorded at the corresponding location in the specifications.

    5. After the documents are completely updated, they are to be dated and marked “RECORD SPECIFICATIONS.”  All record specifications are to be completed with the final disbursement in accordance with the Construction Project Agreement or FAR contracting requirements, as applicable.

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