U.S. Department of Justice

Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad™ on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Dec. 08, 2011

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  • Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad™ on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This study seeks to determine “the impact of participation in the InsideOut Dad™ program on participant behavioral, cognitive, attitudinal, and self-efficacy outcomes compared to Newark CEC Residential Reentry Center resident fathers not participating in the program” (p. 10). InsideOut Dad is an evidence-based pre-release program that helps to connect incarcerated fathers with their families while getting them ready for reentry. Sections of this report include: introduction—an overview of paternal parent incarceration, the effects of parental incarceration, and fathering program evaluations; the InsideOut Dad program; purpose of the evaluation; methodology; quantitative findings for demographics and background, effect on confidence, effects on parenting knowledge, behavior, and attitudes, and effect on institutional behavior; qualitative findings from participant interviews and stakeholder interviews; limitations; conclusion; and recommendations. It appears the InsideOut Dad program effectively improved the participants’ levels of confidence, knowledge, behavior, and attitudes.

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