U.S. Department of Justice

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Colorado Department of Public Safety Sex Offender Management Board
Colorado Depart. of Public Safety. Sex Offender Management Board (Denver, CO).
Access to various material regarding sex offenders can be found at this website. Points of entry are: adults—press releases, standards and guidelines, provider list, application materials, provisional provider application materials, and complaint materials; juveniles—same topical areas as for adults with the addition of juvenile standard FAQ’s; governing statutes; resources—books, newsletters, reference guides, sample forms, Circles of Support resource materials, and website links of interest; d... Read More
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Monitoring High-Risk Sex Offenders With GPS Technology: An Evaluation of the California Supervision Program, Final Report
By Geis, Stephen V.; Gainey, Randy; Cohen, Marcia I.; Healy, Eoin; Duplantier, Dan; Yeide, Martha; Bekelman, Alan; Bobnis, Amanda; Hopps, Michael. Development Services Group, Inc. (Bethesda, MD).
The effectiveness of a global positioning system (GPS) to monitor high-risk sex offenders (HRSOs) released under parole is examined. This document provides other agencies with information that may lead to a similar strategy for monitoring HRSOs. Sections of this report include: background; methodology; results for baseline characteristics, supervision, outcome analysis, and cost analysis; process evaluation—overview, data sources, program fidelity, GPS monitoring, and summary; and discussion—sum... Read More
114 pages
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A Snapshot of Juvenile Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws: A Survey of the United States
By Pittman, Nicole; Nguyen, Quyen. National Juvenile Justice Network (Washington, DC).
“In light of the mottled condition of sex offender registration and notification laws across the country, and the fact that this book was started less than a year before the final deadline for states to come into compliance with SORNA, our goal is to provide a straightforward reference guide during this time of great flux” (p. 1). One can use this survey to see how different states compare to each other in regards to the Adam Walsh Act. This publication is divided into seven parts: introduction;... Read More
128 pages
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The Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) Model: Does Adding the Good Lives Model Contribute to Effective Crime Prevention?
By Andrews, D.A.; Bonta, James; Wormith, J. Stephen.
“Recently, the good lives model (GLM) has been promoted as an alternative and enhancement to RNR [risk-need-responsivity]. GLM sets itself apart from RNR by its positive, strengths-based, and restorative model of rehabilitation. In addition, GLM hypothesizes that enhancing personal fulfillment will lead naturally to reductions in criminogenic needs, whereas RNR posits the reverse direction. In this article the authors respond to GLM’s criticisms of RNR and conclude that little substance is added... Read More
21 pages
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The Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation: A Strengths Based Approach
Good Lives Model.
“Over the past decade, the Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation (GLM) has been systematically developed … and has been adopted by many different jurisdictions both locally and internationally. Its ethical core is that of human rights and it starts from the assumption that while offenders have obligations to respect other peoples’ entitlements to well being and freedom related goods they are also entitled to the same considerations. This is particularly so when it comes to the implementat... Read More
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Misperceptions about Child Sex Offenders
By Richards, Kelly. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
“Sex offending against children is a highly emotive issue. It is nonetheless important that public policy initiatives to prevent and/or respond to child sexual abuse are based on the available evidence about child sex offenders.” This report aims to set straight five common myths about individuals guilty of child sex offences. These five misunderstandings are: all child sex offenders are paedophiles; child sex offenders target strangers; all child sex offenders were victims of sexual abuse thems... Read More
8 pages
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White Paper on Sex Offender Treatment in Missouri Prepared by the St. Louis Alliance for Reentry (STAR) 2011
By Hygrade, Cynthia; Smith, Leland; Spitzer, Jessica; Williams, Benjamin M.. St. Louis Alliance for Reentry (STAR) (St. Louis, MO).
This paper covers: the definition of sexual abuse; no such thing as a “typical” sex offender; myths and facts about sex offenders; supervision of sex offenders; the Containment Model and collaboration; and other promising practices and reducing recidivism.... Read More
6 pages
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Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Sexual Abusers: An Introduction
By Prescott, David S..
This article is very good introduction to the use of motivational interviewing (MI), “a person-centered approach in which the practitioner uses a guiding style to enable the client to build and strengthen his or her own motivation for change,” with sex offenders. In fact, you can use this as a quick primer on MI. Topics discussed include: style and spirit; good listening; ambivalence; four principles; basic skills; recognizing and reinforcing change talk; commitment talk; providing feedback; and... Read More
12 pages
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Developments in Risk Assessment: Violence Risk and Sexual Violence Risk
By Heilbrun, Kirk.
A detailed outline with notes for a training session about advances in risk assessment for violent offenders and sex offenders is provided. This presentation discusses: the uses of risk assessment; nature of risk assessment; legal contours; ethical contours; forensic contours; general considerations when conducting a risk assessment; conducting risk assessment with different populations; basic rates and risk factors for violent behavior; various risk assessment tools; implications for interventi... Read More
96 pages
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Part 800 Transitional Housing Licensure for Sex Offenders on Parole, Probation, or Supervision: Section 800.40 Transitional Housing, Treatment, and Referral Criteria
Illinois General Assembly (Springfield, IL).
Requirements for getting a Transitional Housing license are provided.... Read More
2 pages
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Paragraph 13663. Ineligibility of dangerous sex offenders for admission to public housing
U.S. Congress (Washington, DC); Cornell University. Law School. Legal Information Institute (LII) (Ithaca, NY).
“Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an owner of federally assisted housing shall prohibit admission to such housing for any household that includes any individual who is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a State sex offender registration program.”... Read More
3 pages
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Siting of Secure Community Transition Facilities
Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington (MRSC) (Seattle, WA).
These resources will help those individuals tasked with siting community residential facilities for sex offenders. Links are provided for statutory requirements and statute, information regarding a secure community transition facility (SCTF) and its establishment, and sample ordinances.... Read More
3 pages
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Shared Living Arrangements (SLAs) Fact Sheet
Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (Denver, CO).
The use of a Shared Living Arrangement for the successful supervision of sex offenders in the community is explained. “A Shared Living Arrangement (SLA) is a separately contained living unit in which more than one adult sex offender in treatment resides for the purpose of increased public and community safety, increased accountability, intensive containment, and more consistent treatment interventions, provided by treatment providers that are approved through the Sex Offender Management Board (S... Read More
4 pages
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The Once Fallen Housing Guide
By Logue, Derek W.. Once Fallen.
This guide offers sex offenders friendly advice on how they can locate housing. It would be a great resource to give to a sex offender when they are trying to find a place to live. It doesn’t sugar coat anything and talks about: the bad news, the good news; finding leads; using the registry to ones advantage; not getting discouraged; checking residency laws; C-Y-A; moving to another state; and post release housing.... Read More
3 pages
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Residential Proximity to Schools and Daycares: An Empirical Analysis of Sex Offense Recidivism
By Zandbergen, Paul A.; Levenson, Jill S.; Hart, Timothy C..
Does living near a school or daycare make a sex offender more likely to reoffend? This study set out to answer this question. The results do not support resident restrictions for sex offenders. Sex offenders living near schools and daycares were no more likely to recidivate than sex offenders living away from schools and daycares. “The time that police and probation officers spend addressing housing issues is likely to divert law enforcement resources away from behaviors that truly threaten our ... Read More
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Sex Offender Housing Restrictions: Twenty Findings of Research on Residential Restrictions for Sex Offenders and the Iowa Experience with Similar Policies
Kansas Dept. of Corrections (Topeka, KS).
This document explains why restrictions on sex offender housing may be counterproductive. It does this by looking at three myths the media continues to report—that all sex offenders reoffend, that treatment does not work, and “stranger danger” (p.1)... Read More
2 pages
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Policies for Reducing Sexual Violence against Women
By Letourneau, Elizabeth J.; Levenson, Jill S.; Bandyopadhyay, Dipankar; Sinha, Debajyoti; Armstrong, Kevin S.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) (aaa).
The extent to which sex offender registration and notification laws in South Carolina reduce the recidivism of sex offenders in that state is investigated. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; methodology of the current study; procedures and findings specific to each aim—prevention (general deterrence) of sexual violence, specific deterrence of sexual recidivism, unintended effects on judicial decision making doe sex crime cases, and association between registration vi... Read More
77 pages
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Static-99 Clearinghouse
Static-99 Clearinghouse (N.P.).
A wealth of information regarding this sex offender risk assessment instrument for adult males is available at this website. Points of entry are Static-99 documents, training, Static-2002 documents, research, norms, legal issues, and related links.... Read More
2 p.
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The Comprehensive Approach to Sex Offender Management
By Bumby, Kurt; Carter, Madeline; Gilligan, Leilah; Talbot, Tom. Center for Sex Offender Management (San Francisco, CA); Center for Effective Public Policy (Washington, DC).
The creation of an effective management system for adult and juvenile sex offenders is explained. This publication discusses: the Comprehensive Approach to Sex Offender Management; preventing sexual violence; what the public says about sex offenders and management strategies; specialized supervision and treatment for adult sex offenders; juveniles who commit sex offenses; facts lawmakers should know about adult and juvenile sex offenders; and sex offender-specific laws—a quick reference.... Read More
18 p.
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Exploring Public Awareness and Attitudes about Sex Offender Management: Findings from a National Public Opinion Poll
Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD); Center for Effective Public Policy (Washington, DC).
Results are provided from a national opinion poll “that was designed to further insights into public awareness and perceptions” regarding sex offender management (p. 1). Findings include: primary source of public knowledge and information about sex offenders; perceptions about the relative risk of stranger-perpetrated sex offenses against children; assumptions about reoffending among sex offenders; opinions about factors influencing sex offender-specific policy development; perceived effectivene... Read More
12 pages
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Current Practices and Emerging Trends in Sexual Abuser Management: The Safer Society 2009 North American Survey
By McGrath, Robert J.; Cumming, Georgia F.; Burchard, Brenda L.; Zeoli, Stephen; Ellerby, Lawrence. Safer Society Foundation, Inc. (Brandon, VT).
“The survey presents a wide-angle snapshot of current practice patterns [for sexual abuser treatment] in North America, identifies trends in the field and offers recommendations for improving the delivery of services” (p. vii). Each chapter in this report looks at best practices for: the effectiveness of treatment, and the number and geographic distribution of programs; program age, size, and setting; client profiles; program funding; staff education, training, and support; program theory; asses... Read More
158 pages
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ATSA 2009 Symposium Presentations Regarding the Good Lives Model
By Yates, Pamela M.; Kingston, Drew A.; Simons, Dominique; Tyler, Christine. Good Lives Model.
This series of presentations look at the Good Lives Model (GLM), a “broad rehabilitation framework that aims to increase offender motivation, psychological well-being, develop healthy lives in addition to risk management,” its integration with the Self-Regulation Model (SRM), and the validity of applying GLM/SRM to the treatment of sex offenders. Presentation slides are provided for: “The Self-Regulation and Good Lives Models of Sexual Offender Treatment: A Comprehensive Analysis of Relationship... Read More
64 pages
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Fifty State Survey of Juvenile Sex Offender Registration Requirements
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
State requirements for the registration of juvenile sex offenders are compiled and presented. Responses (if given) are reported for: registrable offenses; information maintained in sex offender registry; statutory basis for juvenile sex offender registration; duration of registration; community notification and website; and limitations on residency or employment.... Read More
254 pages
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Intrafamilial Adolescent Sex Offenders: Psychological Profile and Treatment
By Grant, J; Indermaur, D; Thornton, J; Stevens, G; Chamarette, C; Halse, A. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
“The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of what is known about intrafamilial adolescent sex offenders (IASOs),” such as 40-90% of sexual abuse against children is caused by other children (p. 1). Sections of this document cover: a profile of intrafamilial adolescent sex offenders; the different groups (typologies) of IASOs; treatment of adolescent sex offenders; and conclusions and policy issues.... Read More
5 p.
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Juveniles Who Commit Sex Offenses Against Minors
By Finkelhor, David; Ormrod, Richard; Chaffin, Mark. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Characteristics of juveniles that are responsible for sex offenses perpetrated against other minors are reported. Sections of this bulletin are: background; the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS); juvenile and adult sex offenders known to police; using NIBRS data to investigate juvenile sex offenders; younger juvenile sex offenders; female juvenile sex offenders; reporting juvenile sex offenses; and implications. Over one-third (35.6%) of known sex offenders are juveniles who tend ... Read More
11 p.
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Sex Offender Enactments Database
National Conference of State Legislatures (Denver, CO).
Individuals needing access to state legislation related to sex offenders will find this database indispensable. Topics covered are: civil commitment; DNA and fingerprints; registration durations and time; registration failure penalties; registration in-person; registration for juveniles; registration notice and dissemination; registration online information; other issues regarding registration; registration tier system; registration of vehicle and license; residence restrictions; other issues re... Read More
1 p.
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Sex Offender Program Certification Manual
Ohio Dept. of Rehabilitation and Correction (Columbus, OH).
Other agencies looking to assess their sex offender programs will find this document a valuable resource. Standards for evaluation cover: assessment; treatment plan; progress reports; discharge reports; confidentiality waivers; collaboration with supervising agencies; group therapy; program model; clinical supervision; staff qualifications; staff training. Also included is the “Sex Offender Program Certification Process Model”; “Standards Compliance Tally Form”; and “Response to Noncompliance” f... Read More
22 p.
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The Use of the Polygraph in Sex Offender Management
By Krueger, Jami. New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (Albany, NY).
The utilization of the polygraph as an aid to supervising sex offenders is reviewed. This bulletin covers these topics: the science and reality of the detection of deception; an overview of the polygraph; methods of questioning; polygraph scoring methods; variation in examination outcomes; use of countermeasures; polygraph -- reality and validity; voice stress analysis; using the polygraph with sex offenders; post-conviction sex offender examinations -- types and structure; research on the poly... Read More
29 p.
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Sex Offender Registration and Notification: Limited Effects in New Jersey
By Zgoba, Kristen M.; Bachar, Karen. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
Results are provided from an evaluation of the impact of Megans' Law in New Jersey. Sections of this review include: overview; findings; about the study -- identify trends, compare "before" and "after"; and estimate costs; and demographics of the study. In New Jersey, Megans' Law has had little to no effect on reducing sex offenses.... Read More
4 p.
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Residency Restrictions: What's Geography Got to Do with It?
By Wartell, Julie. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Community Oriented Policing Services (Washington, DC); National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
The use of a geographic information system to manage residency restrictions applied to registered sex offenders is explored. Contents of this bulletin include: what geography has got to do with residency restrictions; right place, right time -- GPS monitoring in Pinellas County (FL); residency restrictions and sex offender recidivism -- implications for public safety; technical tips; geographic research suggests sex offender registry laws may not work; and news briefs.... Read More
16 p.
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Does Sex Offender Registration and Notification Reduce Crime? A Systematic Review of the Research Literature
By Drake, E.K.; Aos, S.. Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Olympia, WA).
The impact of sex offender registration and community notification laws on crime reduction is investigated. This report contains these sections: summary; introduction; theoretical foundation; notification levels in Washington State; what "evidence-based" means; study methods; specific deterrence; and general deterrence. There appears to be "some indication that sex offender registration laws lower sex offense crime rates" (p. 5), but the authors caution that only two rigorous studies could be f... Read More
16 p.
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Final Report: The Impact of Illinois' Truth-in-Sentencing Law on Sentence Lengths, Time to Service and Disciplinary Incidents of Convicted Murderers and Sex Offenders
By Olson, David E.; Seng, Magnus; Boulger, Jordan; McClure, Mellissa. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (Chicago, IL). Loyola University of Chicago. Dept. of Criminal Justice (Chicago, IL).
The implementation in Illinois of TIS (truth-in-sentencing) is evaluated. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; literature review; methodology; impact of TIS on sentence lengths and lengths of time to serve; and impact of TIS on disciplinary incidents. Murderers and Class X sex offenders "are now serving substantially longer periods of incarceration [post-TIS] than they did pre-TIS" (p. 5)... Read More
65 p.
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Fifty State Survey of Adult Sex Offender Registration Requirements
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington School of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
State requirements for the registration of adult sex offenders are compiled and presented. Responses (if given) are reported for: registrable offenses; whether those individuals convicted of staff sexual misconduct need to register; information maintained in sex offender registry; community notification and website; limitations on residency or employment; and duration of registration.... Read More
244 p.
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New York State Probation Sex Offender Management Practitioner Guidance
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (Albany, NY).
"This document provides best practice recommendations for the community supervision of sex offenders and can assist probation departments in managing this diverse population" (p. i). Sections contained in this guide include: introduction and overview; sex offender management approaches; pre-sentence and pre-plea investigations and reports; post sentence supervision; sex offender treatment; polygraph; victim services; juvenile sex offenders; and female sex offenders. Pertinent legislation and sa... Read More
133 p.
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Does Sex Offender Registration and Notification Reduce Crime? A Systematic Review of the Research Literature
By Drake, E.K.; Aos, S.. Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Olympia, WA).
The reduction in crimes committed by sex offenders due to registration and notification laws is examined. Sections in addition to a summary are; introduction; theoretical foundation; notification levels in Washington; study methods and findings; specific deterrence; what “evidence-based” means; general deterrence; and Technical Appendix. “Regarding specific deterrence, the weight of the evidence indicates the laws [regarding sex offender registration and notification] have no statistically signi... Read More
16 pages
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Housing Sex Offenders in the Community: Results of a Literature Search Conducted for the Washington State Sex Offender Policy Board
By Kester, Kyra. Washington State University. Social and Economic Sciences Research Center. Puget Sound Division (Olympia, WA).
Issues surrounding sex offenders finding places to live are discussed. Sections of this review include: introduction; general housing supply; residency restrictions; emerging and promising practices--of particular note Shared Living Arrangements (SLA) and Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) among other examples; and engaging the public.... Read More
31 pages
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White Paper on the Use of Residence Restrictions as a Sex Offender Management Strategy
Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (Denver, CO).
Reasons for not enacting residency restrictions for sex offenders are explained. While this decision is not always the most popular, it is still the most proper based on the evidence. “Community safety is paramount and should be the common goal when considering any policy or law regarding sex offenders. Residence restrictions and zoning laws as a whole are clearly counterproductive to this goal” (p. 5).... Read More
7 pages
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A Practical Guide for the Evaluation of Sexual Recidivism Risk in Mentally Retarded Sex Offenders
By Phenix, Amy; Sreenivasan, Shoba.
“The purpose of this article is to review actuarial risk models and their applicability to mentally retarded sex offenders and to offer by sample cases a practical and evidence-based method of applying existing models of sexual offender risk assessment to the population of intellectually disabled sex offenders under SVP/SDP evaluation” (p. 509). Sections that follow and abstract include: a practical conceptual model for sexual offender recidivism risk; “Assessment Guide for Evaluation of Sexual ... Read More
10 pages
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Juveniles Who Commit Sex Offenses Against Minors
By Finkelhor, David; Ormrod, Richard; Chaffin, Mark. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
“Although those who commit sex offenses against minors are often described as “pedophiles” or “predators” and thought of as adults, it is important to understand that a substantial portion of these offenses are committed by other minors who do not fit the image of such terms” (p. 1). This publication provides detailed information for this little known population of juvenile offenders. Sections of this bulletin include: juvenile and known sex offenders known to police; characteristics of juvenile... Read More
12 pages
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Recidivism among Treated Sexual Offenders and a Matched Comparison of Untreated Sexual Offenders
By Ferguson, Meaghan Katherine.
The recidivism rate of a group of treated sex offenders was compared to the rate of sexual offenders that did not receive treatment. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and the Rapid Risk Assessment of Sexual Offence Recidivism Scale were utilized in this study. Chapters of this thesis following an abstract include: introduction sexual offending, treatment, and recidivism; study design and methodology; results for examination of group differences, treatment effects on rates of new sex... Read More
93 pages
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Online Sex Offender Info Rapidly Expands
By Gramlich, John. Stateline.org (Washington, DC).
New features and information available on state run sex offender registries are described. This article is based on a survey (conducted in December 2008) of all 50 states' sex offender registries. "The Adam Walsh Act requires all states to adopt the same minimum standards for registering and tracking sex offenders, including the information they post online" by July 2009. A chart is included that shows what information is supplied for each state's sex offender registry. Details listed by state a... Read More
5 p.
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Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website [NSOPW]
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Sex Offender Sentencing Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) (Washington, DC).
"This Website is a search tool allowing a user to submit a single national query to obtain information about sex offenders through a number of search options," such as name, state/territory, county, city/town, and zip code(s).... Read More
1 p.
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United States v. Comstock
U.S. Court of Appeals (4th Circuit).
The Fourth Circuit unanimously affirmed the district court's decision that 18 U.S.C. 4248 of the Adam Walsh Act is unconstitutional. The federal government does not have the authority to enact U.S.C. 4248 which concerns the civil commitment of sex offenders following their incarceration.... Read More
19 p.
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Homelessness among Registered Sex Offenders in California: The Numbers, the Risks and the Response
California Sex Offender Management Board (Sacramento, CA).
The impact of an increasing number of sex offenders registering as transient on public safety is examined. Following an executive summary, this report is divided into four parts: since the implementation of residency restrictions, the number of sex offenders registering as transient has significantly increased (60%); homelessness increases the risk that someone who has offended sexually may commit another sex crime; the response to homelessness among sex offenders requires a creative and collab... Read More
38 p.
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Megan's Law: Assessing the Practical and Monetary Efficacy
By Zgoba, Kristen; Witt, Philip; Dalessandro, Melissa; Veysey, Bonita. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). New Jersey Dept. of Corrections. Office of Policy and Planning. Research and Evaluation Unit (Trenton, NJ).
The "various impacts of community notification and registration laws (Megan's Law) in New Jersey" are examined (p. 1). Sections comprising this report include: executive summary; introduction; Phase One -- the trend study; Phase Two -- sex offender outcome study; Phase Three -- cost study; and project summary. It appears that Megan's Law does not decrease the rates of new first-time sex offenses or repeat sex offenders.... Read More
44 p.
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Convicted Sex Offenders: Factors That Could Affect the Successful Implementation of Driver's License-Related Processes to Encourage Registration and Enhance Monitoring
U.S. Government Accountability Office (Washington, DC).
Problems with successfully adopting a driver’s license screening program for sex offenders, registration needed for the issuance of a driver’s license, are described. Sections of this report include: results in brief; background; states are using a variety of driver’s license-related processes to encourage registration or provide additional monitoring of convicted sex offenders; most states surveyed report they would need to modify their information technology systems to screen individuals again... Read More
48 p.
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No Easy Answers: Sex Offender Laws in the U.S.: A Suggested List of References
John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Prisoner Reentry Institute (New York, NY).
This list contains twenty-nine documents about U.S. sex offender laws.... Read More
3 p.
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Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification: Past, Present, and Future
By Logan, Wayne A..
The impact of the Adam Walsh Act (AWA) of 2006 on state efforts at sex offender registration and notification is explained. The AWA makes non-registration a federal felony. Authorization for federal prosecution is based on the U.S. Commerce Clause. This justification will no doubt be argued before the Supreme Court and upheld, according to the author. AWA also requires standards that often conflict with states' rights. There are also problems with AWA's three-tier registrant classification syste... Read More
16 p.
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Do Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Affect Criminal Behavior?
By Prescott, JJ; Rockoff, Jonah E..
This article examines the impact of registration and notification laws on the recidivism of sex offenders. Sections following an abstract include: introduction; the evolution of sex offender registration and notification laws; conceptual model and empirical framework; data; empirical methodology; crime frequency and relationship mix results; robustness checks; and conclusion. Among the results is "evidence that notification laws reduce crime, but do so by deterring potential criminals, not nece... Read More
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An Assessment of Current Management Practices of Adult Sex Offenders in California
California Sex Offender Management Board (Sacramento, CA).
Sex offender management practices in California are evaluated. This report contains the following sections: executive summary; introduction; prevalence of sexual assault and services for victims; numbers and distribution of offenders; sex offender recidivism; investigation and prosecution supervision; housing; treatment; registration, notification, and post-supervision management; and summary of gaps. Appendixes include: mapping of sex offenders in ten California counties using GIS (Geographic... Read More
219 p.
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Community Notification as Viewed by Washington's Citizens: A 10-Year Follow-Up
By Lieb, Roxanne; Nunlist, Corey. Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Olympia, WA).
The opinions of Washington State adults regarding the state's Community Protection Act are recorded. This report has these sections: summary; state and federal community notification laws; sex offenders in Washington; telephone surveys; familiarity with community notification; potential harassment of sex offenders; juvenile sex offenders; reactions to community notification; and views on the purposes and importance of community notification. The majority of respondants are familiar with and sup... Read More
4 p.
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The Constitutionality of Civil Commitment and the Requirement of Adequate Treatment
By Simth, Douglas G.. George Mason University School of Law (Fairfax, VA).
Constitutional issues related to the civil commitment of sexually violent predators in Washington are addressed. This paper is divided into five parts: the U.S. Supreme Court's civil commitment jurisprudence; the framework for assessing whether treatment is constitutionally adequate; the SCC's (Washington State's Special Containment Center) non-compliance with its constitutional obligations; the relationship between the requirement of constitutionally adequate treatment and the constitutionalit... Read More
40 p.
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Delaware Sex Offenders: Profiles and Criminal Justice System Outlooks
By Weidlein-Crist, Philisa J.; O'Connell, John P., Jr.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC). Delaware Statistical Analysis Center (Dover, DE).
A profile of sex offenders in Delaware is provided. Sections of this report include: background -- our changing ways and knowledge of sex offenders; introduction; sex offender arrest history; the victims; offender to victim age; conviction of sex offenders; sentencing of sex offenders; sex offender tier designation; sex offender recidivism; and discussion. The most likely victims are 12 to 15 year olds.... Read More
59 p.
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Criminal Justice Resources: Sex Offender Residency Restrictions
By Strutin, Ken. LLRX.com (Washington, DC); Law Library Resource Xchange (Washington, DC).
"This article collects recent court decisions, research papers and reports that have addressed the efficacy of exclusionary zoning laws and the impact of these restrictions on sex offenders reentering their communities" (p. 1).... Read More
7 p.
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Using GPS Technology to Track Sex Offenders: Should Pennsylvania Do More?
Pennsylvania Dept. of the Auditor General. Bureau of Special Performance Audits (Harrisburg, PA).
"This report discusses how global positioning system technology, or GPS, can be used to keep better track of sex offenders who skirt registration requirements or who are sexually violent predators" (p. 1). Sections following highlights include: introduction; background; problems with keeping track; too many sex offenders with whereabouts unknown; what GPS is; what other states do with GPS monitoring; the need for improved technology in Pennsylvania; county use of GPS technology in Pennsylvania ... Read More
10 p.
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Megan's Law in Minnesota: The Impact of Community Notification on Sex Offender Recidivism
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN).
The degree to which sex offender recidivism is affected by community notification is investigated. Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction; literature review; data and methodology; results for three-year recidivism rates by groups, overall recidivism rates by first risk level assignment, comparison of notification and pre-notification group offenders, time to sex offense recidivism, time to non-sex offense recidivism, and time to general recidivism; discussion; and conc... Read More
51 p.
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Sex Offender Residency Restrictions: How Mapping Can Inform Policy
National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to evaluate the influence of sex offender residency laws on available housing for sex offenders is explained. The publication is comprised of these sections: key points; overview; assessing the impact of residency restrictions in New Jersey, San Diego, and Hamilton County, Ohio; and conclusion -- what mapping can offer.... Read More
2 p.
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SMART: Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) (Washington, DC).
This website provides access to information from the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART). "The responsibilities of the SMART Office include providing states with guidance regarding the implementation of the Adam Walsh Act, and providing technical assistance . . . track[ing] important legislative and legal developments related to sex offenders and administer[ing] grant programs."... Read More
1 p.
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Fact Sheets Examine Impact of Sex Offender Registries
Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
This website provides access to information about the effect sex offender registries have on the offenders themselves and others. As of September 2008, the fact sheets available are: Youth Who Commit Sex Offenses; The Negative Impact of Registries on Youth; and What Will It Cost States to Comply with the Sex Offend Registry and Notification Act.... Read More
7 p.
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Tracking Sex Offenders with Electronic Monitoring Technology: Implications and Practical Uses for Law Enforcement
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). International Association of Chiefs of Police (Alexandria, VA); American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
The electronic monitoring of sex offenders is explained. This publication covers: the definition of electronic monitoring technology; role of law enforcement; how offender location tracking works; benefits of GPS (global positioning satellite) monitoring; concerns of GPS for monitoring sex offenders; and key considerations for law enforcement.... Read More
12 p.
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Strategically Monitoring Sex Offenders: Accessing Community Corrections' Resources to Enhance Law Enforcement Capabilities
International Association of Chiefs of Police (Alexandria, VA); American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
The types of information gathering tools used by community corrections officers are described. The purpose of, benefits of, access to, and examples of the following data collection instruments are provided: risk assessments; conditions of supervision; GPS/electronic monitoring technology; polygraph examinations; treatment information; joint home visits; employment schedule; case management plan; updated photo; and victim information.... Read More
15 p.
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The Pursuit of Safety: Sex Offender Policy in the United States
By Velazquez, Tracy. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Vera Institute of Justice (New York, NY).
A "nationwide [systemic] review of current sex offender laws, policies, and trends" is presented (p. iii). Sections in addition to an executive summary include: introduction; historical background; current issues in sex offender policy; sentencing; sex offender registries; community notification; residency restrictions; electronic monitoring; civil commitment; and pursuit of safety -- are we safer. Appendixes provide information about: the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act... Read More
406 p.
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Review of the Department of Justice's Implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Inspector General. Evaluation and Inspections Division (Washington, DC).
“This report examines the Department of Justice’s (Department) implementation of Title I of the Adam Walsh Act, the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), which sets forth specific responsibilities for the Department in identifying, arresting, and prosecuting sex offenders who have failed to register or update a registration” (p.i). Sections of this report are: executive digest; background; purpose, scope, and methodology of the review; results of the review -- Section 1 - Depa... Read More
100 p.
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Registering Harm: How Sex Offense Registries Fail Youth and Communities
Southern Poverty Law Center (Montgomery, AL); Public Welfare Foundation (Washington, DC); Open Society Institute-New York (New York, NY). Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
"This report documents the issues related to public safety and fiscal accountability that states should consider as they determine whether to comply with the Adam Walsh Act or otherwise expand the reach of their existing [sex offender] registries" (p. 3). Sections contained in this report are: introduction; the history and origins of sex offender registries; the Adam Walsh Act; the harmful effects of the Adam Walsh Act on our children and communities; and recommendations.... Read More
48 p.
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The Comprehensive Approach to Sex Offender Management
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD); Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA).
This "Comprehensive Approach offers a promising and well-grounded framework that jurisdictions can consider as they build an informed, integrated set of policies and practices to promote the shared goal of ensuring victim and community safety" (p. 1). This report has these sections: introduction; background; the Comprehensive Approach -- fundamental principles and core components; the evolution of contemporary sex offender management strategies; statewide policy boards; special considerations f... Read More
11 p.
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Legislative Trends in Sex Offender Management
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD); Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA).
This report is "an overview of legislative trends pertaining to sex offender management, the intended objectives of such laws, and key research regarding the impact of these policy initiatives" (p. 2) Sections contained in this report include: introduction; sex offender management is a top public policy priority in the U.S.; top ten (10) policy issues facing state legislators; sex offender-specific laws address multiple interests; sexually violent predator (SVP) civil commitment laws; mandatory... Read More
20 p.
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Key Roles of Law Enforcement in Sex Offender Management
By Kempker, Gary; Bumby, Kurt. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD); Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA).
"The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview of the multiple roles that law enforcement can play in increasing public safety and reducing sexual victimization through sex offender management efforts" p. 1. Sections making up this document include: introduction; sex offenders are a diverse population; sex offender management requires a comprehensive strategy; community policing provides a complementary model; the traditional role of law enforcement -- investigating sex crimes; the expand... Read More
8 p.
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Fact Sheet: What You Need to Know About Sex Offenders
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD); Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA).
Information about sex offenders and their management/supervision is provided. Topics discussed include: what sexual abuse is; how common sex crimes are; how many arrests occur for sex offenses; not all sex crimes are reported; who the victims are; who offenders are likely to target; who sex offenders are; sex offending is not necessarily caused by being sexually abused; what happens to convicted sex offenders; why people commit sex crimes; how often sex offenders reoffend; some offenders are mor... Read More
12 p.
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Twenty Strategies for Advancing Sex Offender Management in Your Jurisdiction
By Carter, Madeline M.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD); Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA).
Strategies for “promot[ing] public safety by reducing the risk of recidivism among sex offenders” are described (p.7). Strategies include: establish a comprehensive, ongoing assessment process; monitor changes in dynamic risk; implement a collaborative case management approach; adopt a victim-centered approach; deliver evidence-based sex offender treatment; enhance treatment capacity; establish seamless information exchange mechanisms; promote successful post-release outcomes through informed re... Read More
53 p.
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Sex Offender Registries: Fear without Function?
By Agan, Amanda Y.. University of Chicago. Dept. of Economics (Chicago, IL).
Results from an assessment of the effectiveness of sex offender registries are presented. Sections of this paper following an abstract include: introduction; background; panel data; recidivism analysis; location analysis; and conclusion. The evidence shows that offender registries are not very effective in increasing public safety or reducing recidivism.... Read More
54 p.
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Civil Commitment of a Sexually Dangerous Person
U.S. Bureau of Prisons (Washington, DC).
"In this document, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) finalizes its proposed rule providing definitions and standards relating to the certification of persons as sexually dangerous for the purpose of civil commitment, as authorized by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006" (p. 70278).... Read More
4 p.
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Residency Restrictions for Convicted Sex Offenders: A Popular Approach on Questionable Footing
By Merriam, Dwight H.; Salkin, Patricia E..
The effectiveness of residency restrictions for convicted sex offenders is examined. This publication takes a look at: four significant misperceptions about residency restrictions -- the victim is usually a stranger, recidivism is high among sex offenders, all sex offenders are equally dangerous, and community notification is highly effective in reducing recidivism; government responses to concerns about convicted sex offenders; residency restrictions across New York State; legal challenges to ... Read More
11 p.
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LRA [Less Restrictive Alternative] Chaperone Information Guide and Training Protocol
Washington State Dept. of Corrections (Olympia, WA); Washington State Dept. of Social and Health Services (Olympia, WA); Washington State Sex Offender Treatment Provider (N.P.).
This guide “is intended to assist those individuals who have elected to serve as a volunteer chaperone for an individually who is civilly committed [and]…is also intended to serve as a training tool” (p.3). Sections of this document are: definitions; purpose; introduction; community transition objectives; community placement; chaperone requirements; and community outings.... Read More
7 p.
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Sex Offender Housing Procedural Guidelines
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (Albany, NY).
These procedures may be useful in the creation of another agency's sex offender housing practices. Part 365 of Chapter III Sex Offender Management “establish[es] procedural guidelines that delineate criteria and which promote consistent probation practices with respect to the residency of certain sex offenders under probation supervision” (p. 1). Sections include objective, applicability, statement of purpose, and procedures for approving a residence for those individuals with a Sex Offender Reg... Read More
6 pages
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50 State Survey on Sex Offender Registry
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Results from a survey on sex offenders registry are provided. Questions asked are:
  • Citation(s) of statutes(s);
  • Registrable offenses with citations;
  • And the state agency responsible for maintaining sex offender registry.
... Read More
33 p.
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Time to Work: Managing the Employment of Sex Offenders Under Community Supervision
By Seleznow, Eric. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
The management of sex offenders "on the job in a way that adequately restricts offenders, protects the public, and simultaneously promotes successful offender reintegration" is discussed (p. 1). This report provides a look at: the importance of work; key elements in employment supervision; assessing potential job placements; establishing relationships with employers; using confidentiality waivers; making job placement decisions; and monitoring and follow-up contact with employers.... Read More
12 p.
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Supervision of Sex Offenders in the Community: A Training Curriculum
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Access to information and materials for three different versions (long, medium, and short) of training sessions about the supervision of sex offenders in the community is provided at this website. The following links are on this site: overview; issues and cautions; User's Guide; recommended readings lists; and curriculum download center.... Read More
5 p.
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Managing Sex Offenders in the Community: A Handbook to Guide Policymakers and Practitioners Through a Planning and Implementation Process
By Carter, Madeline M.; Morris, Laura. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
A handbook designed to assist policymakers and practitioners in the process of assessing and strengthening sex offender management for adults and juveniles is provided. Four sections comprise this manual: an introduction to this handbook and to sex offender management; the framework of the planning and implementation process; an overview of the steps in the planning and implementation process; and conclusion -- an ongoing process of collecting and analyzing information. Teamwork activities and ... Read More
96 p.
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Educating the Community about Sexual Assault and the Management of Sex Offenders in the Community: A Training Curriculum
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Access to a training curriculum that is designed to educate the community about sexual violence and sex offender management programs is provided at this website. The following can be found: curriculum overview; four part curriculum; user's guide; special considerations for community education; a download center with handouts, lecture notes, slides, and learning activities; and an evaluation form.... Read More
5 p.
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Case Studies on the Center for Sex Offender Management's National Resource Sites
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Strategies from "19 jurisdictional, cross-disciplinary teams who have developed innovative sex offender management and supervision techniques" are reported (p. i). The following five sections comprise this document: introduction and background; three state resource sites; 11 local resource sites; three tribal sites; and two additional resource sites.... Read More
122 p.
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Community Notification and Education
By Matson, Scott. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Differences in state laws regarding sex offender notification are examined, as well as innovative approaches to community notification and education in the U.S. This report contains the following sections: introduction; background; state variations; identifying offenders for notification; methods of notification; legal issues; are notification laws effective?; innovative approaches; unintended consequences; reducing unintended consequences; educating communities; conclusion; and organization co... Read More
20 p.
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Recidivism of Sex Offenders
By Bynum, Tim. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
The potential for commission of subsequent offenses by sex offenders is examined. This report looks at the following issues: measurement of sex offender recidivism; factors associated with recidivism; review of studies concerning rapists, child molesters, and probationers; synthesis of recidivism studies; impact of interventions on recidivism -- treatment, juvenile treatment research, supervision, and evaluating the effects; implications for sex offender management; and concluding remarks.... Read More
20 p.
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National Resource Group Recommended Readings
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Designed to be a starting point, this reading list is for those people who are interested in learning about effective management of sex offenders in the community. Documents are organized into the following topic areas: child sexual abuse; community notification, registration, and civil commitment; juvenile sex offenders; probation and parole supervision; research, recidivism, and statistics; risk assessment and prediction; sex offender treatment; treatment guides; and victim issues.... Read More
8 p.
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The Collaborative Approach to Sex Offender Management
By Carter, Madeline M.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Violence Against Women Grants Office (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (SJI) (Alexandria, VA). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
The need for and challenges of a collaborative approach to managing sex offenders in the community are addressed, in addition to ways jurisdictions can develop shared decision making responsibility between key policymakers and practitioners. Sections of this brief include:
  • Why collaboration is essential;
  • What is collaboration;
  • Forming collaboratives in an adversarial system;
  • Catalysts for collaboration;
  • Different approaches to team work;
  • Issues to consider... Read More
12 pages
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Community Supervision of the Sex Offender: An Overview of Current and Promising Practices
By Gilligan, Leilah; Talbot, Tom; Carter, Madeline M., ed.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Violence Against Women Grants Office (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (SJI) (Alexandria, VA). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Almost 60% of all adult sex offenders are under some form of community supervision. An exploration of emerging practices and lessons learned in the management of sex offenders at the community level is presented. Contents include:
  • Overview;
  • Sex offenders -- who is being supervised;
  • A shift in perspective -- the victim-centered approach to sex offender management;
  • The central role of collaboration in managing sex offenders in the community;
  • Establishing a framewor... Read More
16 pages
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Effective Supervision of Adult Sex Offenders in the Community [Videoconference held February 9, 2000]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The goal of this videoconference is to enhance the ability of probation and parole agency staff (line officers, supervisors, and policymakers/administrators) to supervise sex offenders in the community more effectively. Topics addressed include:
  • Overview of sex offenders and their victims;
  • The victim-centered approach to sex offender supervision;
  • The role of collaboration in a comprehensive approach to supervision;
  • The containment approach to supervision;
  • Sex offender treatmen... Read More

1 DVD (180 min.)
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Compendium of OJP-Sponsored Projects Relating to Sex Offenders
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
A compendium of Department of Justice-sponsored initiatives relating to sex offender management is presented. Subsections include adult classification research, community notification research, evaluation of supervision and treatment approach research, juvenile sex offender research, national surveys, risk assessment research, community notification and registration, use of the polygraph, supervision and treatment programs for sex offenders, training and technical assistance for policy makers an... Read More
43 p.
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Case Studies on the Center for Sex Offender Management's National Resource Sites
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexandria, VA). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
These case studies reflect lessons learned from Center for Sex Offender management (CSOM) Resource Sites. Resource sites are "communities around the country who have demonstrated--through collaboration between criminal justice and health system agencies--that they can manage sex offenders and increase public safety" (p.ix.) Contents of this publication include an introduction and background, and summaries of ten Resource Sites' activities.... Read More
57 p.
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Assessment of Sex Offenders for Sentencing, Supervision and Treatment [Videoconference held February 10, 1999]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Objectives of this three-hour videoconference include:
  • Articulating the purposes for assessment and evaluation of sex offenders and the issues and challenges inherent in each;
  • Understanding the limitations of traditional risk and needs assessment tools for sex offenders;
  • Identifying and defining the available approaches and instruments used to effectively assess and evaluate sex offenders;
  • Distinguishing between effective and ineffective risk assessment tools;
  • And identifying ... Read More

1 DVD (165 min.)
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An Overview of Sex Offender Community Notification Practices: Policy Implications and Promising Approaches
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
Community notification laws are currently in place in 47 states. This brief offers up-to-date information to inform citizens, state and local leaders, and criminal justice professionals about these procedures and what the research suggests about their effectiveness. It addresses the benefits and limitations of these laws and examines their impact on communities, offenders, and victims.... Read More
8 p.
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Sexually Violent Offender Legislation
By Nelson, Keith O.. National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
Results of a survey to determine states which have statutes providing for civil commitment of convicted sex offenders upon their release indicate that 19 have no current, pending, or previously introduced statutes. The remaining respondents report statutes with varying requirements and procedures. The author suggests ways in which the National Institute of Corrections could assist with risk assessment instruments.... Read More
10 p.

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