U.S. Department of Commerce

Industry Statistics Sampler

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Wholesale trade

Data for NAICS 42 Wholesale trade are being published in the following 2007 Economic Census reports:

Report Series Link to data in American FactFinder /
Release Schedule
Nonemployer Statistics (national, states, counties, metro areas) Table 1. Nonemployer Statistics for the US, States, Counties, Metro Areas
Table 2. Nonemployers by Legal Form of Organization for the US and States
Business Expenses (national) Table 5.1. Detailed Operating Expenses of U.S. Merchant Wholesalers...[pdf]
Geographic Area Series (states, counties, cities, metro areas)
      Selected charts are in an Industry Snapshot Link to graphic Industry Snapshot
Economy-Wide Key Statistics for Employers and Nonemployers
Table A1. Summary Statistics for ... States, Metro Areas, Counties, Places
Table A2. Comparative Statistics for the United States (2002 NAICS Basis):
Subject Series: Product Lines (national, states) Table 1. Product Lines by Kind of Business for the U.S. and States
Subject Series: Establishment and Firm Size (national) Table 1. Sales Size of Establishments for the U.S.
Table 2. Employment Size of Establishments for the U.S.
Table 3. Single Units and Multiunit Firms for the U.S.
Table 4. Sales Size of Firms for the U.S.
Table 5. Employment Size of Firms for the U.S.
Table 6. Concentration of Largest Firms for the U.S.
Table 7. Legal Form of Organization for the U.S.
Comparative Statistics, 2007 and 2002 (national, states) Table 1. Comparative Statistics for the U.S. and States (2002 NAICS Basis)
Survey of Business Owners (only selected groups available now) Table 1. Firms by Gender, Ethnicity, Race for US, States, Counties, Pl, MA
Table 6. Firms by Ethnicity, Receipts Size of Firm for the U.S. and States
Table 10. Firms by Ethnicity, Employment Size of Firm for U.S. and States
Table P1. Preliminary Gender, Ethnicity, and Race for the U.S. and States
Table P2. Preliminary Firms by Veteran Status for the U.S. and States
Advance Report (preliminary, now superseded) Table 1. Advance Summary Statistics for the US
Table 2. Advance Comparative Statistics for the US
Industry series (national - shown only for constituent industries, not for this category)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  2007 Economic Census  |  (301)763-2547  |  econ@census.gov  |  Page Last Modified: May 04, 2011