Water Resources of Arkansas

Water Resources of Arkansas

Welcome to the USGS Web page that provides access to water resources information for Arkansas; this is your direct link to Arkansas water-resources data--quantity and quality of ground water, quantity and quality of surface water, and water use. You'll also find information about USGS publications and investigations conducted by the USGS and its cooperators.

Real-Time Data in Arkansas

Are you an angler, boater, water-resources manager, or other person who needs to know the amount of water
Streamflow Graph
(volume=streamflow, height at a specific location=stage) currently flowing down one of Arkansas' streams? The USGS provides realtime streamflow, stage, and precipitation information for more than 150 locations across Arkansas. This information is updated to our web page hourly via satellite. Users can view the information on graphs showing changes in streamflow or stage during a user-specified time period. Real-time water quality and ground water data also are available.

Featured Science


Ozark NAWQA Study Unit

The Ozark Plateaus NAWQA is one of more the 50 study units that are part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The Ozark Plateaus study unit is approximately 48,000 square miles in size and inclu des parts of northern Arkansas, southeastern Kansas, southern Missouri, and nort heastern Oklahoma.

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New SIR 2012-5273 HTML Version Acrobat Version
Shallow Groundwater Quality and Geochemistry in the Fayetteville Shale Gas-Production Area, North-Central Arkansas, 2011
Timothy M. Kresse, Nathaniel R. Warner, Phillip D. Hays, Adrian Down, Avner Vengosh, Robert B. Jackson

New SIR 2012-5246 HTML Version Acrobat Version
Simulated Effects of Hydrologic, Water Quality, and Land-Use Changes of the Lake Maumelle Watershed, Arkansas, 2004-10
Rheannon M. Hart, W. Reed Green, Drew A. Westerman, James C. Petersen, and Jeanne L. De Lanois

New Journal Article HTML Version Acrobat Version
Invertebrate and Fish Assemblage Relations to Dissolved Oxygen Minima in Lowland Streams of Southwestern Louisiana
B. G. Justus, S. V. Mize, J. Wallace, and D. Kroes

SIR 2012-5086 HTML Version Acrobat Version
Seasonal Patterns in Nutrients, Carbon, and Algal Responses in Wadeable Streams within Three Geographically Distinct Areas of the United States, 2007-08
Kathy E. Lee, David L. Lorenz, James C. Petersen, and John B. Greene

CIR 1375 HTML Version Acrobat Version
A Brief History and Summary of the Effects of River Engineering and Dams on the Mississippi River System and Delta
Jason S. Alexander, Richard C. Wilson, and W. Reed Green

PP 1785 HTML Version Acrobat Version
Groundwater Availability of the Mississippi Embayment
Brian R. Clark, Rheannon M. Hart, and Jason J. Gurdak

SIR 2011-5215 HTML Version Acrobat Version
Simulation of the effects of groundwater withdrawals on water-level altitudes in the Sparta aquifer in the Bayou Meto-Grand Prairie area of eastern Arkansas, 2007-37
Brian R. Clark, Drew A. Westerman, and D. Todd Fugitt

FS 2011-3115 HTML Version Acrobat Version
A New Tool to Assess Groundwater Resources in the Mississippi Embayment
Brian R. Clark and David A. Freiwald

SIR 2011-5194 HTML Version Acrobat Version
Flood of June 11, 2010, in the Upper Little Missouri River Watershed, Arkansas
Robert R. Holmes, Jr. and Daniel M. Wagner

Water News and Notices

New No Contamination from Fayetteville Shale Exploration Found in Sampled Wells (02/04/2013 )
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A study that examined the water quality of 127 shallow domestic wells in the Fayetteville Shale natural gas production area of Arkansas found no groundwater contamination associated with gas production, according to a report released today by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Jim Petersen

New Fayetteville Shale groundwater quality (01/23/2013 )
Domestic water wells in proximity to natural gas drilling sites in north central Arkansas are the subject of a newly released regional baseline study. The collaborative project, coordinated by the Arkansas U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program was the first of its kind in the nation. And as Jacqueline Froelich reports, the results were surprising.
Jacqueline Froelich, KUAF

Water Board tests for stress on aquifer (01/26/2012 )
Despite a few technical skips and bumps in the road, the Union County Water Conservation Board began on Tuesday the third aquifer stress test in the last century in an effort to determine how well the Sparta Aquifer responds to the stress of continuous pumping.
Allison Gatlin, El Dorado News-Times

Illinois River Basin biology study (11/30/2011)
Last summer, the US Geological Survey began an ambitious biological sampling of the Illinois River in Washington and Benton Counties. We provide a progress report.
Jacqueline Froelich, KUAF radio Ozarks at Large

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 09-Jan-2013 17:25:45 EST btj