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What is Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion?
Needed Research
Design and Location

R&D Cold-Water Pipe

Function: Transport cold seawater from a depth of up to 1000 meters.

What do we know?

  • Materials and fabrication process.
  • Deployment of large diameter flexible and stiff pipe.
  • Loading conditions.
  • Long-term survivability.

What do we need to know?

  • Fabrication of polyethylene pipe up to 5 feet in diameter.
  • 5-feet diameter, bottom-mounted pipe deployed; scaled test for 8-feet diameter barge suspended fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe successful.
  • Deployment and operation of smaller diameter cold-water pipes at Keahole Point successful over few years without a major problem.

What are the R&D requirements?

  • Fabrication processes for larger diameter pipe (10 feet to 17 feet) for a given material.
  • Analytical tools to predict flexibility and stresses under deployment and in-place loads. Fatigue and risk analysis.
  • Development issue not resolved.
  • Long-term reliability.
  • Operational data for commercial environments.

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