Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel

The Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel is a bipartisan congressional panel charged with conducting an assessment of the assumptions, strategy, findings, and risks described in the Department of Defense’s Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). The QDR, a report required by law and provided by the Defense Department to Congress, is intended to assess the national security environment over the next 20 years and identify the defense strategy, forces, and resources required to meet future challenges.

After the Department of Defense issued this year’s QDR on February 1, 2010, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Congress constituted an independent panel to review the report as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010. Former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry and former National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley served as co-chairs on the Panel, and the Department of Defense asked the U.S. Institute of Peace to facilitate the Panel’s work.

On July 29, 2010, the Panel delivered its final report to Congress.

Quick Facts

  • The Panel is composed of 20 national security and defense experts and retired senior military leaders. The secretary of defense nominated twelve members of the Panel, while the House Armed Services Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee each nominated four members.
  • USIP partnered with the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) and Logistics Management Institute (LMI). CNA and LMI provided logistical and intellectual support to facilitate the Panel’s work during its tenure.
  • Panel members and support staff divided themselves into five sub-panel working groups. Sub-panel working groups focused on prospects for conflict in the 21st century, comprehensive approach capabilities, force structure and personnel, acquisition and contracting, and the national security strategic planning process.
  • The Panel began its work in February of 2010, met six times in plenary over six months, and consulted with dozens of government officials and nongovernmental experts.