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House Committee on Energy and Commerce
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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    • Good Green Guru
       a re-print of an earlier Climate Progress article outlining why the “No More Solyndras” Act is such a bad idea.
      8 hours ago
    • Jessie Johnson
      I know you guys are voting on HR733 today, please vote yes! That bill not only supports Pancreatic Cancer, but it supports the top five most aggressive forms of cancer. Do it for my Mom, who died in just 9 months. Do it for me!
      Tuesday at 7:04am
    • Brooke Rasheda Lovestone There is a suspicious- FBI friendly group meaning this group should be of interest to the FBI. This group of interest is conducting X amount of radiation out of sheer curiosity of how much energy does it take to radiate a body until there's nothing left on a scale- 0.002-0.007 within 30mile radius. Slowly damaging crops, soil, habitation, vegetation etc... Cherokee Nation States by Peter howd that within 20 years intentional Devastation will be noticed: Missouri, Illinois, Florida, California Oregon, Washington, New York, Michigan. Please cease all activity of this domestic terrorist group?
      Tuesday at 12:34am
    • How It All Began Nearly four thousand years ago, in the Sumerian town of Ur in the valley of the river Euphrates, lived a young man named Abraham. The people of Ur had once worshipped Allah but as but found none. So she went to the other hill and did the same. She did this seven times. Then sadly she returned to her son, and to her great surprise and joy she found a spring of water bubbling out of the earth near him. This spring, near which the mother and child settled, was later called Zamzam. The area around it became a place of rest for the caravans travelling across the desert and in time grew into the famous trading city of Mecca. From time to time Abraham traveled from Palestine to visit his family and he saw Ishmael grow into a strong young man. It was during one of these visits that Allah commanded them to rebuild the Ka'bah-the very first place where people had worshipped Allah. They were told exactly where and how to build it. It was to be erected by the well of Zamzam and built in the shape of a cube. In its eastern corner was to be placed a black stone that had fallen to earth from heaven. An angel brought the stone to them from the nearby hill of Abu Qubays. Abraham and Ishmael worked hard to rebuild the Ka'bah and as they did so they prayed to Allah to send a Prophet from among their descendants. And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed): 'Our Lord! Receive this from us; Thou, only Thou, art the All-hearing, the All-knowing; Our Lord! And make us submissive unto Thee and of our seed a nation submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of worship, and turn toward us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful. Our Lord! And raise up in their midst a messenger from among them who shall recite unto them Thy revelations, and shall instruct them in the ******ure and in wisdom and shall make them grow. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Mighty, Wise. (Koran ii.127-9) When the Ka'bah was completed, Allah commanded Abraham to call mankind to pilgrimage to His Holy House. Abraham wondered how anyone could hear his call. Allah said, 'You call and I will bring them.' This was how the pilgrimage to the Ka'bah in Mecca was established and when Muslims make the pilgrimage today they continue to answer the age-old call of Abraham. The Children Of Ishmael Over the years Ishmael's children themselves had children. His descendants increased and formed tribes which spread out all over Arabia. One of these tribes was called Quraysh. Its people never moved away from Mecca and always lived near the Ka'bah. One of the duties of the leader of Quraysh was to look after those who came on pilgrimage to the Ka'bah. The pilgrims would come from all over Arabia and it was a great honor to provide them with food and water. As time passed, however, the Arabs stopped worshipping Allah directly and started bringing idols back with them from the different countries they visited. These idols were placed at the Ka'bah, which was no longer regarded as the Sanctuary of Allah, as Abraham had intended it. It was, however, still respected by the Arabs. Around this time the well of Zamzam disappeared beneath the sand. Also at this time, Qusayy, one of the leaders of Quraysh, became ruler over Mecca. He held the keys of the temple and had the right to give water to the pilgrims, to feed them, to take charge of meetings, and to hand out war banners before battle. It was also in his house that Quraysh settled their affairs. After Qusayy's death, his son 'Abdu Manaf, who had become famous during his father's lifetime, took over the leadership of Quraysh. After him came his son Hashim. It is said that Hashim was the first to begin the two great caravan journeys of Quraysh, one in the summer to Syria and the north, and one in the winter to Yemen and the south. As a result, Mecca grew rich and became a large and important centre of trade. One summer Hashim went north to buy goods to sell in Yemen. On his way he stopped in Yathrib to trade in the market and there he saw a beautiful woman. She was Salma', the daughter of 'Amr ibn Zeid, who was from a much respected family. Hashim proposed marriage to her and was accepted because he was an honorable and distinguished man. In time, Salma' gave birth to a beautiful son and as some of his hair was white they called him Shaybah, which in Arabic means grey-haired'. Mother and son stayed in the cooler, healthier climate of Yathrib, while Hashim returned to Mecca, but he would visit them each time he took his caravan to the north. During one of these journeys, however, Hashim became ill and died. Shaybah, a handsome, intelligent boy, grew up in his uncle's house in Yathrib. He was proud of being the son of Hashim ibn 'Abdi Manaf, the head of Quraysh, guardian of the Ka'bah and protector of the pilgrims, even though he had not known his father, who had died while Shaybah was very young. At Hashim's death his brother al-Muttalib took over his duties and responsibilities. He traveled to Yathrib to see his nephew, Shaybah, and decided that as the boy would one day inherit his father's place
      Monday at 9:25pm
    • Good Green Guru
       Despite GOP wishes, oil prices cannot be pinned on the president. Instead, Republicans use gas price pain to push canned “solutions” that benefit big oil and not consumers
      1 · September 7 at 5:37am
  3. BREAKING – House to vote on the No More Solyndras Act next week—a year after the infamous Solyndra bankruptcy and FBI raid. The Act is a product of our committee's extensive investigation into the DOE's $535 million loan guarantee to Solynd...
    ra. DOE loan guarantee recipients Solyndra, Beacon Power, and Abound Solar have all filed for bankruptcy - enough is enough. This bill stands up for taxpayers and ends the mismanaged loan guarantee program.
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  4. TODAY marks one year since Solyndra—the Obama administration’s stimulus "success story”—filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. While investors with close ties to the White House cut deals and receive tax breaks, American taxpayers are left footing the bill. Solyndra serves as a stark reminder of the Obama administration’s misguided priorities and failed stimulus economy.
  5. The Obama administration's war on coal continues. While discussing energy policy yesterday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar declared, “Under President Obama’s leadership, the United States moves forward with an all-of-the-above energy strate...
    gy. Oil and gas, nuclear, hydro, biofuels, wind, geothermal, solar, all of it. All of it.” But the source of nearly half of the nation’s electricity, coal, was conspicuously absent from the president’s so-called “all-of-the-above” plan — a disturbing yet reoccurring trend in the Obama administration.
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  6. Today, the committee launched its new website. In announcing, Chairman Fred Upton stated "Our new website is a one-stop shop for both the American public and members of the press to easily access the committee’s business, such as hearings and votes, videos, relevant news articles and analyses on issues within the committee’s jurisdiction. It is our longstanding goal to keep Americans well-informed of our efforts to promote job creation, economic growth, and individual freedom." Check out the site here:
  7. Americans are paying a high price for President Obama’s failed energy policies. An article in USA Today warns 2012 is likely to be the costliest year ever at the pump, noting that the national average price for gasoline is up 30 cents since...
    mid-July and is now higher than year-ago levels in 39 states. While the president continues to stand in the way of American energy development, House Republicans continue to fight for real solutions that will increase the supply of affordable energy and ease regulatory burdens that stifle energy production and use.
    See More

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