Learn new skills and advance your career

NTER – the National Training & Education Resource – is an easy-to-access, open source, web-based learning platform that enables learners, instructors, and organizations to be part of an entirely new education community – the next generation of learning.

Update your existing knowledge or discover a new field of learning –
Get started today!

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Use NTER to teach and train

NTER makes it easy to create immersive online courses that increase retention and suit both students' and instructors' needs! NTER available for TAACCCT and WAP Grantees.  Email us at connect@nterlearning.org for help with setting up your systems.

NTER can help you teach and train

NTER makes it easy and inexpensive for organizations to build and deliver state-of the art learning experiences and continuously improve them. 

The NTER Platform is now available for download through the Amazon Web Service. Learn more at hub.nterlearning.org

Email us at connect@nterlearning.org for help with setting up your systems.


NTER Trainingportal Users

NTER Trainingportal is offline effective 12/5/2014. Please note that all courses on NTER Trainingportal are available on nterlearning.org. Please email us at support@nterlearning.org with questions. Select "Create an Account" on nterlearning.org to get started.

Learn more about NTER

Email us at connect@nterlearning.org for help with setting up your systems.