PI Data Products

These data sets have been made available by ARM principal investigators (PI) or by others for use by the scientific community through the ARM Archive. These data are value-added products to particular ARM data sets or are derived research data of value to ARM science. To submit your own value-added data set to the Data Archive, read the Procedure for Submitting Science and Research Data Products.

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Product NameInvestigatorSitesStartEnd
Aerosol Retrievals from ARM SGP MFRSR DataAlexandrov, MikhailSGP2000.01.012000.12.31
Cloudnet ProjectHogan, Robin[ N/A ][ N/A ]
SCM Forcing Data Derived from NWP AnalysesJakob, ChristianTWP1999.01.012000.12.31
A Model Evaluation Data Set for the Tropical ARM SitesJakob, ChristianTWP1999.01.012000.12.31
ASRC RSS DataKiedron, PiotrSGP1997.08.122006.03.30
CCPP-ARM Parameterization Testbed Model Forecast DataKlein, StephenSGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
Large Scale Ice Water Path and 3-D Ice Water ContentLiu, GuoshengSGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
Atmospheric State, Cloud Microphysics & Radiative FluxMace, GeraldSGP1997.01.012004.12.31
Tropical Cloud Properties and Radiative Heating ProfilesMather, JamesTWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
Direct Aerosol Forcing UncertaintyMccomiskey, AllisonNSA, SGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
In-Situ Microphysics from the MPACE IOPMcfarquhar, GregNSA2004.10.052004.10.12
Radiosondes Corrected for Inaccuracy in RH MeasurementsMiloshevich, LarrySGP2000.01.012005.12.31
ARM-LBNL-NOAA Flask Sampler for Carbon Cycle GasesTorn, MargaretSGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
CCRS Landcover Maps From Satellite DataTrishchenko, AlexanderSGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
Surface Albedo/BRDF Parameters (Terra/Aqua MODIS)Trishchenko, AlexanderSGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
NOAA PMEL Station Chemistry DataQuinn, PatriciaNSA, SGP1997.10.102005.10.21
Radiative Flux AnalysisLong, ChuckFKB, NSA, PYE, SGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
1.6 Micron MFRSRMichalsky, JosephSGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
Nauru Island Effect Detection Data SetLong, ChuckTWP2005.09.222011.12.31
Continuous Forcing Data, Darwin, AustraliaJakob, ChristianTWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
ISDAC MicrophysicsMcfarquhar, GregNSA2008.04.012008.04.30
NSA AERI Hatch Correction Data SetTurner, DavidNSA2000.01.012010.08.31
Merged MMCR-WSR88D Reflectivities at SGPDong, XiquanSGP2000.03.162004.08.09
Dead-time Corrected Disdrometer DataBartholomew, Mary JaneSGP, TWP2006.02.032007.12.31
Niamey Aerosol Optical DepthsFlynn, ConnorNIM2005.11.012007.01.31
Niamey Dust ObservationsFlynn, ConnorNIM2006.01.012006.12.31