Quarterly Summary of State & Local Taxes

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You are here:  Census.govBusiness & Industry Federal, State, & Local Governments Quarterly Summary of State & Local Taxes › Historical Data
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Historical Data for the Quarterly Summary of State & Local Tax Revenue

The prior survey forms are identified as follows:


  • F71 [PDF, 125KB] – Quarterly Survey of Property Tax Collections
  • F72 [PDF, 141KB] – Quarterly Survey of Non-property Taxes
  • F73 [PDF, 129KB] – Quarterly Survey of Non-property Taxes


  • F71 [PDF, 65KB] – Quarterly Survey of Property Tax Collections
  • F73 [PDF, 75KB] – Quarterly Survey of Non-property Taxes

Historical National Totals of State & Local Taxes - Table 1

Historical National Totals of State Tax Revenue - Table 2

Historical State Tax Collections by State - Table 3

Historical Quarterly Summary of State & Local Tax Revenue Publications

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Quarterly Summary of State & Local Taxes | 1 (866) 492-0140 | govs.qtax@census.gov |  Last Revised: December 20, 2016