
The ARM Climate Research Facility gathers a wide variety of measurements from many different sources. Each day, the Data Archive stores and distributes large quantities of data collected from these sources. Scientists then use these data to research atmospheric radiation balance and cloud feedback processes, which are critical elements of global climate change.

MeasurementCategoriesSub Categories
Actinic flux
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Advective tendency
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
Aerosol absorption
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Aerosol backscattered radiation
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Aerosol composition
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Aerosol concentration
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Aerosol extinction
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Aerosol image
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Aerosol optical depth
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Aerosol optical properties
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Aerosol particle size
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Aerosol particle size distribution
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Aerosol scattering
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Atmospheric moisture
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Atmospheric pressure
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Atmospheric temperature
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Atmospheric turbulence
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Backscatter depolarization ratio
  • Aerosols
  • optical and radiative properties
Backscattered radiation
  • Aerosols
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
  • optical and radiative properties
Black carbon concentration
  • Aerosols
  • Atmospheric Carbon
  • microphysical and chemical properties
CO2 concentration
  • Atmospheric Carbon
CO2 flux
  • Atmospheric Carbon
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Cloud base height
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
Cloud condensation nuclei
  • Aerosols
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Cloud droplet size
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Cloud extinction
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Cloud fraction
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
Cloud ice particle
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Cloud ice water
  • Cloud Properties
  • Atmospheric State
  • microphysical
  • upper air state
Cloud liquid water
  • Cloud Properties
  • Atmospheric State
  • microphysical
  • upper air state
Cloud optical depth
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Cloud particle number concentration
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Cloud particle size distribution
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Cloud top height
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
Cloud type
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
Extreme event time
  • Atmospheric State
  • surface meteorology
Fall velocity
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Friction velocity
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Geopotential height
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Horizontal wind
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Hydrometeor Geometry
  • Cloud Properties
  • Atmospheric State
  • microphysical
  • surface meteorology
Hydrometeor Size Distribution
  • Cloud Properties
  • Atmospheric State
  • microphysical
  • surface meteorology
Hydrometeor fall velocity
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Hydrometeor image
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Hydrometeor optical properties
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Hydrometeor phase
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Hydrometeor size
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Hygroscopic growth
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Ice nuclei
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Inorganic chemical composition
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Isotope ratio
  • Atmospheric Carbon
  • Atmospheric State
  • other trace gases
Latent heat flux
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Lightning stroke
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
Liquid water path
  • Cloud Properties
  • Atmospheric State
  • microphysical
  • upper air state
Longwave broadband brightness temperature
  • Radiometric
  • longwave broadband
Longwave broadband downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave broadband
Longwave broadband net irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave broadband
Longwave broadband radiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave broadband
Longwave broadband upwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave broadband
Longwave narrowband brightness temperature
  • Radiometric
  • longwave narrowband
Longwave narrowband downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave narrowband
Longwave narrowband radiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave narrowband
Longwave narrowband upwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave narrowband
Longwave spectral brightness temperature
  • Radiometric
  • longwave spectral
Longwave spectral radiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave spectral
Microwave narrowband brightness temperature
  • Radiometric
  • microwave
Microwave radiation
  • Radiometric
  • microwave
Net broadband total irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • longwave broadband
  • shortwave broadband
  • Atmospheric State
  • other trace gases
Optical depth
  • Aerosols
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
  • optical and radiative properties
Organic Carbon Concentration
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
  • Atmospheric State
  • other trace gases
Particle number concentration
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Particle size distribution
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Planetary boundary layer height
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
Precipitable water
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • Atmospheric State
  • surface meteorology
Radar Doppler
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
  • microphysical
Radar polarization
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
  • microphysical
Radar reflectivity
  • Cloud Properties
  • macrophysical
  • microphysical
Radiative heating rate
  • Radiometric
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • longwave broadband
  • shortwave broadband
Sea surface temperature
  • Surface Properties
  • surface/subsurface state
Sensible heat flux
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Shortwave broadband diffuse downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband diffuse upwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband direct downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband direct normal irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband radiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband total downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband total net irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave broadband total upwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave broadband
Shortwave narrowband diffuse downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave narrowband diffuse upwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave narrowband direct downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave narrowband direct normal irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave narrowband radiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave narrowband total downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave narrowband total upwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave narrowband
Shortwave spectral diffuse downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave spectral
Shortwave spectral direct normal irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave spectral
Shortwave spectral radiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave spectral
Shortwave spectral total downwelling irradiance
  • Radiometric
  • shortwave spectral
Soil characteristics
  • Surface Properties
  • surface/subsurface state
Soil heat flux
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Soil moisture
  • Surface Properties
  • surface/subsurface state
Soil moisture flux
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Soil surface temperature
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
  • surface/subsurface state
Surface albedo
  • Surface Properties
  • surface/subsurface state
Surface condition
  • Surface Properties
  • surface/subsurface state
Surface moisture flux
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Surface skin temperature
  • Radiometric
  • Surface Properties
  • longwave narrowband
  • surface/subsurface state
Surface stress
  • Surface Properties
  • surface flux
Total carbon
  • Aerosols
  • Atmospheric Carbon
  • microphysical and chemical properties
Total cloud water
  • Cloud Properties
  • microphysical
Trace gas concentration
  • Atmospheric Carbon
  • Atmospheric State
  • other trace gases
Vertical velocity
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • surface meteorology
Virtual temperature
  • Atmospheric State
  • upper air state
  • Atmospheric State
  • surface meteorology
Volatile organic compounds
  • Aerosols
  • microphysical and chemical properties