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Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act (PRIA 2)
Tables - FY 2011/FY 2012 Fee Schedule for Registration Applications

The following PRIA fee schedule tables were published in the Federal Register of August 11, 2010 (Volume 75, Number 154) Page 48672-48683 and apply to pesticide registration applications received by the Agency on October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2012.

Fee Schedule Tables - Effective October 1, 2010

How to Read the PRIA Fee Tables

  1. Each table consists of the following columns:
  2. The following acronyms are used in some of the tables:

A. Registration Division (RD)

The Registration Division of OPP is responsible for the processing of pesticide applications and associated tolerance petitions for pesticides that are termed "conventional chemicals," excluding pesticides intended for antimicrobial uses. The term "conventional chemical" is a term of art that is intended to distinguish synthetic chemicals from those that are of naturally occurring or non-synthetic origin, synthetic chemicals that are identical to naturally-occurring chemicals and microbial pesticides. Tables 1 through 5 cover RD actions.


EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
FY 11/12
R010 1 New Active Ingredient, Food use1 24 569,221
R020 2 New Active Ingredient, Food use; reduced risk1 18 569,221
R030 3 New Active Ingredient, Food use; Experimental Use Permit application submitted simultaneously with application for registration; decision time for Experimental Use Permit and temporary tolerance same as #4 (R040)1 24 629,197
R040 4 New Active Ingredient, Food use; Experimental Use Permit application; establish temporary tolerance; submitted before application for registration; credit $326,025 toward new active ingredient application that follows 18 419,502
R050 5 New Active Ingredient, Food use; application submitted after Experimental Use Permit application; decision time begins after Experimental Use Permit and temporary tolerance are granted1 14 209,806
R060 6 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor 1 21 395,467
R070 7 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor; reduced risk 1 16 395,467
R080 8 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor; Experimental Use Permit application submitted simultaneously with application for registration; decision time for Experimental Use Permit same as #9 (R090)1 21 437,472
R090 9 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor; Experimental Use Permit application submitted before application for registration; credit $228,225 toward new active ingredient application that follows 16 293,596
R100 10 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor; submitted after Experimental Use Permit application; decision time begins after Experimental Use Permit is granted 1 12 143,877
R110 11 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor 1 20 219,949
R120 12 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor reduced risk 1 14 219,949
R121 13 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor; Experimental Use Permit application submitted before application for registration; credit $100,000 toward new active ingredient application that follows 18 165,375
R122 14 Enriched isomer(s) of registered mixed-isomer active ingredient1 18 287,643
R123 15 New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment only; includes non-food and food uses; limited uptake into Raw Agricultural Commodities1 18 427,991
R124 16 Conditional Ruling on Preapplication Study Waivers; applicant-initiated 6 2,294

1All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

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EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
FY 11/12
R130 17 First food use; indoor; food/food handling1 21 173,644
R140 18 Additional food use; Indoor, Food/Food Handling 15 40,518
R150 19 First food use1 21 239,684
R160 20 First food use; reduced risk1 16 239,684
R170 21 Additional food use 15 59,976
R180 22 Additional food use; reduced risk 10 59,976
R190 23 Additional food uses; 6 or more submitted in one application 15 359,856
R200 24 Additional food uses; 6 or more submitted in one application; reduced risk 10 359,856
R210 25 Additional food use; Experimental Use Permit application; establish temporary tolerance; no credit toward new use registration 12 44,431
R220 26 Additional food use; Experimental Use Permit application; crop destruct basis; no credit toward new use registration 6 17,993
R230 27 Additional use; non-food; outdoor 15 23,969
R240 28 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; reduced risk 10 23,969
R250 29 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; Experimental Use Permit application; no credit toward new use registration 6 17,993
R260 30 New use; non-food; indoor 12 11,577
R270 31 New use; non-food; indoor; reduced risk 9 11,577
R271 32 New use; non-food; indoor; Experimental Use Permit application; no credit toward new use registration 6 8,820
R272 33 Review of Study Protocol; applicant-initiated; excludes DART, pre-registration conferences, Rapid Response review, DNT protocol review, protocols needing HSRB review 3 2,294
R273 34 Additional use; seed treatment; limited uptake into Raw Agricultural Commodities; includes crops with established tolerances (e.g., for soil or foliar application); includes food or non-food uses 12 45,754
R274 35 Additional uses; seed treatment only; 6 or more submitted in one application; limited uptake into Raw Agricultural Commodities; includes crops with established tolerances (e.g., for soil or foliar application); includes food and/or non-food uses 12 274,523

1 All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

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EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
FY 11/12
R280 36 Establish import tolerance; new active ingredient or first food use1 21 289,407
R290 37 Establish import tolerance; additional food use 15 57,882
R291 38 Establish import tolerances; additional food uses; 6 or more crops submitted in one petition 15 347,288
R292 39 Amend an established tolerance (e.g., decrease or increase); domestic or import; applicant-initiated 10 41,124
R293 40 Establish tolerance(s) for inadvertent residues in one crop; applicant-initiated 12 48,510
R294 41 Establish tolerances for inadvertent residues; 6 or more crops submitted in one application; applicant-initiated 12 291,060
R295 42 Establish tolerance(s) for residues in one rotational crop in response to a specific rotational crop application; applicant-initiated 15 59,976
R296 43 Establish tolerances for residues in rotational crops in response to a specific rotational crop petition; 6 or more crops submitted in one application; applicant-initiated 15 359,856

1 All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

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EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
FY 11/12
R300 44 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; no data review or only product chemistry data; cite-all data citation, or selective data citation where applicant owns all required data, or applicant submits specific authorization letter from data owner.  Category also includes 100% re-package of registered end-use or manufacturing-use product that requires no data submission nor data matrix. 3 1,434
R301 45 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; registered source of active ingredient; selective data citation only for data on product chemistry and/or acute toxicity and/or public health pest efficacy, where applicant does not own all required data and does not have a specific authorization letter from data owner. 4 1,720
R310 46 New end-use or manufacturing-use product; requires review of data package within RD; includes reviews and/or waivers of data for only:  
  • product chemistry and/or
  • acute toxicity and/or
  • public health pest efficacy
  • 6 4,807
    R311 49 New product; requires approval of new food-use inert; applicant-initiated; excludes approval of safeners 12 17,133
    R312 50 New product; requires approval of new non-food-use inert; applicant-initiated  6 9,151
    R313 51 New product; requires amendment to existing inert tolerance exemption (e.g., adding post-harvest use); applicant-initiated 10 12,591
    R320 47 New product; new physical form; requires data review in science divisions 12 11,996
    R330 48 New manufacturing-use product; registered active ingredient; selective data citation 12 17,993
    R331 52 New product; repack of identical registered end-use product as a manufacturing-use product; same registered uses only 3 2,294
    R332 53 New manufacturing-use product; registered active ingredient; unregistered source of active ingredient; submission of completely new generic data package; registered uses only 24 256,883

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    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    R340 54 Amendment requiring data review within RD (e.g., changes to precautionary label statements, or source changes to an unregistered source of active ingredient)1 4 3,617
    R350 55 Amendment requiring data review in science divisions (e.g., changes to REI, or PPE, or PHI, or use rate, or number of applications; or add aerial application; or modify GW/SW advisory statement)1 8 11,996
    R370 56 Cancer reassessment; applicant-initiated 18 179,818
    R371 57 Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; requires data review / risk assessment 6 9,151
    R372 58 Refined ecological and/or endangered species assessment; applicant-initiated 12 171,219

    1EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.  Fast-track amendments handled by the Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the FIFRA stated timelines listed in Section 3(h) and are not subject to PRIA fees.  Label amendments submitted by notification under PR Notices, such as PR Notice 95–2 and PR Notice 98–10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to PRIA fees.

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    B. Antimicrobials Division (AD)

    The Antimicrobials Division of OPP is responsible for the processing of pesticide applications and associated tolerances for conventional chemicals intended for antimicrobial uses, that is, uses that are defined under FIFRA section 2(mm)(1)(A), including products for use against bacteria, protozoa, non-agricultural fungi, and viruses. AD is also responsible for a selected set of conventional chemicals intended for other uses, including most wood preservatives and antifoulants. Tables 6 through 8 cover AD actions.


    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    A380 59 Food use; establish tolerance exemption1 24 104,187
    A390 60 Food use; establish tolerance1 24 173,644
    A400 61 New Active Ingredient Non-food use, outdoor, FIFRA sec. 2(mm) uses1 18 86,823
    A410 62 Non-food use; outdoor; uses other than FIFRA §2(mm)1 21 173,644
    A420 63 Non-food use; indoor; FIFRA §2(mm) uses1 18 57,882
    A430 64 Non-food use; indoor; uses other than FIFRA §2(mm) 1 20 86,823
    A431 65 Non-food use; indoor; low-risk and low-toxicity food-grade active ingredient(s); efficacy testing for public health claims required under GLP and following DIS/TSS or AD-approved study protocol 12 60,638

    1All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

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    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    A440 66 First food use; establish tolerance exemption1 21 28,942
    A450 67 First food use; establish tolerance 1 21 86,823
    A460 68 Additional food use; establish tolerance exemption 15 11,577
    A470 69 Additional food use; establish tolerance 15 28,942
    A480 70 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; FIFRA §2(mm) uses 9 17,365
    A490 71 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; uses other than FIFRA §2(mm) 15 28,942
    A500 72 Additional use; non-food; indoor; FIFRA §2(mm) uses 9 11,577
    A510 73 Additional use; non-food; indoor; uses other than FIFRA §2(mm) 12 11,577
    A520 74 Experimental Use Permit application 9 5,789
    A521 75 Review of public health efficacy study protocol within AD; per AD Internal Guidance for the Efficacy Protocol Review Process; applicant-initiated; Tier 1 3 2,205
    A522 76 Review of public health efficacy study protocol outside AD by members of AD Efficacy Protocol Review Expert Panel; applicant-initiated; Tier 2 12 11,025

    1All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

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    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    A530 77 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; no data review or only product chemistry data; cite-all data citation, or selective data citation where applicant owns all required data, or applicant submits specific authorization letter from data owner.  Category also includes 100% re-package of registered end-use or manufacturing-use product that requires no data submission nor data matrix. 3 1,159
    A531 78 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; registered source of active ingredient; selective data citation only for data on product chemistry and/or acute toxicity and/or public health pest efficacy, where applicant does not own all required data and does not have a specific authorization letter from data owner. 4 1,654
    A532 85 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; registered active ingredient; unregistered source of active ingredient; cite-all data citation except for product chemistry; product chemistry data submitted 4 4,631
    A540 79 New end use product; FIFRA §2(mm) uses only 4 4,631
    A550 80 New end-use product; uses other than FIFRA §2(mm); non-FQPA product 6 4,631
    A560 81 New manufacturing-use product; registered active ingredient; selective data citation 12 17,365
    A570 82 Label amendment requiring data submission 1 4 3,474
    A571 83 Cancer reassessment; applicant-initiated 18 86,823
    A572 84 Refined ecological risk and/or endangered species assessment; applicant-initiated 12 82,688

    1EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.  Fast-track amendments handled by the Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the FIFRA stated timelines listed in Section 3(h) and are not subject to PRIA fees.  Label amendments submitted by notification under PR Notices, such as PR Notice 95–2 and PR Notice 98–10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to PRIA fees.

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    C. Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD)

    The Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division of OPP is responsible for the processing of pesticide applications for biochemical pesticides, microbial pesticides, and plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs).

    The fee tables for BPPD actions are presented by type of pesticide rather than by type of action: Microbial and biochemical pesticides, straight chain lepidopteran pheromones (SCLPs), and PIPs. Within each table, the types of application are the same as those in other divisions. Tables 9 through 11 cover BPPD actions.


    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    B580 86 New active ingredient; food use; establish tolerance1 18 46,305
    B590 87 New active ingredient; food use; establish tolerance exemption 1 16 28,942
    B600 88 New active ingredient; non-food use1 12 17,365
    B610 89 Food use; Experimental Use Permit application; establish temporary tolerance exemption 9 11,577
    B620 90 Non-food use; Experimental Use Permit application 6 5,789
    B621 91 Extend or amend Experimental Use Permit 6 4,631
    B630 92 First food use; establish tolerance exemption 12 11,577
    B631 93 Amend established tolerance exemption 9 11,577
    B640 94 First food use; establish tolerance 1 18 17,365
    B641 95 Amend established tolerance (e.g., decrease or increase) 12 11,577
    B650 96 New use; non-food 6 5,789
    B660 97 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; no data review or only product chemistry data; cite-all data citation, or selective data citation where applicant owns all required data, or applicant submits specific authorization letter from data owner. Category also includes 100% re-package of registered end-use or manufacturing-use product that requires no data submission or data matrix. 3 1,159
    B670 98 New product; registered source of active ingredient; all Tier I data for product chemistry, toxicology, non-target organisms, and product performance must be addressed with product specific data or with request for data waivers supported by scientific rationales. 6 4,631
    B671 99 New product; food use; unregistered source of active ingredient; requires amendment of established tolerance or tolerance exemption; all Tier I data requirements for product chemistry, toxicology, non-target organisms, and product performance must be addressed with product-specific data or with request for data waivers supported by scientific rationales 16 11,577
    B672 100 New product; non-food use or food use having established tolerance or tolerance exemption; unregistered source of active ingredient; no data compensation issues; all Tier I data requirements for product chemistry, toxicology, non-target organisms, and product performance must be addressed with product-specific data or with request for data waivers supported by scientific rationales 12 8,269
    B680 101 Label amendment requiring data submission2 4 4,631
    B681 102 Label amendment; unregistered source of active ingredient; supporting data require scientific review 6 5,513
    B682 103 Protocol review; applicant-initiated; excludes time for HSRB review (pre application) 3 2,205

    1All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

    2EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.  Fast-track amendments handled by the Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the FIFRA stated timelines listed in Section 3(h) and are not subject to PRIA fees.  Label amendments submitted by notification under PR Notices, such as PR Notice 95–2 and PR Notice 98–10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to PRIA fees.

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    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    B690 104 New active ingredient; food or non-food use 1 6 2,316
    B700 105 Experimental Use Permit application; new active ingredient or new use 6 1,159
    B701 106 Extend or amend Experimental Use Permit 3 1,159
    B710 107 New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product; no data review or only product chemistry data; cite-all data citation, or selective data citation where applicant owns all required data, or applicant submits specific authorization letter from data owner. Category also includes 100% re-package of registered end-use or manufacturing-use product that requires no data submission or data matrix. 3 1,159
    B720 108 New product; registered source of active ingredient; all Tier 1 data for product chemistry, toxicology, non-target organisms, and product performance must be addressed with product specific data or with request for data waivers supported by scientific rationales 4 1,159
    B721 109 New product; unregistered source of active ingredient 6 2,426
    B722 110 New use and/or amendment to tolerance or tolerance exemption 6 2,426
    B730 111 Label amendment requiring data submission 2 4 1,159

    1All uses (food and/or non-food) included in any original application or petition for a new active ingredient or a first food use that otherwise satisfy the conditions for the category are covered by the base fee for that application.

    2EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.  Fast-track amendments handled by the Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the FIFRA stated timelines listed in Section 3(h) and are not subject to PRIA fees.  Label amendments submitted by notification under PR Notices, such as PR Notice 95–2 and PR Notice 98–10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to PRIA fees.

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    EPA No. CR No. Action Decision time (months) FY 11/12 Registration Service Fee ($)
    FY 11/12
    B740 112 Experimental Use Permit application; registered active ingredient; non-food/feed or crop destruct basis; no SAP review required 1 6 86,823
    B750 113 Experimental Use Permit application; registered active ingredient; establish temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption; no SAP review required 1 9 115,763
    B760 114 Experimental Use Permit application; new active ingredient; non-food/feed or crop destruct basis; SAP review required; credit $78,750 toward new active ingredient application that follows 12 144,704
    B761 115 Experimental Use Permit application; new active ingredient; non-food/feed or crop destruct; no SAP review required; credit $78,750 toward new active ingredient application that follows 7 86,823
    B770 116 Experimental Use Permit application; new active ingredient; establish temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption; SAP review required; credit $105,000 toward new active ingredient application that follows 15 173,644
    B771 117 Experimental Use Permit application; new active ingredient; establish temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption; no SAP review required; credit $105,000 toward new active ingredient application that follows 10 115,763
    B772 118 Amend or extend Experimental Use Permit; minor changes to experimental design; established temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption is unaffected 3 11,577
    B773 119 Amend or extend existing Experimental Use Permit; minor changes to experimental design; extend established temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption 5 28,942
    B860 120 Amend Experimental Use Permit; first food use or major revision of experimental design 6 11,577
    B780 121 New active ingredient; non-food/feed; no SAP review required 2 12 144,704
    B790 122 New active ingredient; Non-food/feed; SAP review required 2 18 202,585
    B800 123 New active ingredient; establish permanent tolerance or tolerance exemption based on temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption; no SAP review required2 12 231,525
    B810 124 New active ingredient; establish permanent tolerance or tolerance exemption based on temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption; SAP review required2 18 289,407
    B820 125 New active ingredient; establish tolerance or tolerance exemption; no SAP review required 2 15 289,407
    B840 126 New active ingredient; establish tolerance or tolerance exemption; SAP review required2 21 347,288
    B830 127 New active ingredient; Experimental Use Permit application submitted simultaneously; establish tolerance or tolerance exemption; no SAP review required 2 15 347,288
    B850 128 New active ingredient; Experimental Use Permit requested simultaneously; establish tolerance or tolerance exemption; SAP review required2 21 405,169
    B851 129 New active ingredient; different genetic event of a previously approved active ingredient; same crop; no tolerance action required; no SAP review required 9 115,763
    B852 130 New active ingredient; different genetic event of a previously approved active ingredient; same crop; no tolerance action required; SAP review required 9 173,644
    B870 131 New use 1 9 34,729
    B880 132 New product; no SAP review required3 9 28,942
    B881 133 New product; SAP review required3 15 86,823
    B890 134 Amendment; seed production to commercial registration; no SAP review required 9 57,882
    B891 135 Amendment; seed production to commercial registration; SAP review required 15 115,763
    B900 136 Amendment (except #B890); No SAP review required; (e.g., new IRM requirements that are applicant initiated; or amending a conditional registration to extend the registration expiration date with additional data submitted)4 6 11,577
    B901 137 Amendment (except #B890); SAP review required4 12 69,458
    B902 138 PIP Protocol review 3 5,789
    B903 139 Inert ingredient tolerance exemption; e.g., a marker such as NPT II; reviewed in BPPD 6 57,882
    B904 140 Import tolerance or tolerance exemption; processed commodities/food only 9 115,763

    1Example: Transfer existing PIP trait by traditional breeding, such as from field corn to sweet corn.

    2May be either a registration for seed increase or a full commercial registration.  If a seed increase registration is granted first, full commercial registration is obtained using B890.

    3Example: Stacking PIP traits within a crop using traditional breeding techniques.

    4EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.  Fast-track amendments handled by the Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the FIFRA stated timelines listed in Section 3(h) and are not subject to PRIA fees.  Label amendments submitted by notification under PR Notices, such as PR Notice 95–2 and PR Notice 98–10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to PRIA fees.

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