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Implementing the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act - Fiscal Year 2011

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Eighth Annual Report - Report release date: March 1, 2012

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Under Section 33(k) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the Environmental Protection Agency is required to publish an annual report, which must include certain items that describe the Agency’s implementation of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act (PRIA 2). The Act reauthorized the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA 1) and is effective from October 1, 2007, to September 30, 2012. It authorizes the agency to collect two types of fees, registration service fees and maintenance fees, and establishes statutory time frames for completing certain actions.

Pesticide Registration Services Fees are collected for certain new pesticide registration, amended registration, and associated tolerance actions, which set maximum residue levels for food and feed. EPA is then required to make a determination on the application within mandatory time frames, called decision time review periods.
Maintenance fees are annual fees that maintain the registration of a pesticide product for another year. These fees support the EPA’s re-evaluation of registered pesticides, approval of inert ingredients and processing certain applications.

The eight annual report covers Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 - October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011, the fourth Fiscal Year under PRIA 2. Only changes in processes, practices and policies from FY 2010 are reported.  Previous annual reports (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 (PDF) (60 pp, 950k,) and 2010 (PDF) (57 pp, 811k)) are available on the Internet for comparison.

Pesticide Registration Service Fees

Maintenance Fees

Process Improvements in the Pesticide Program (PDF)

Decision Review Times for Actions Completed During FY 2011

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