U.S. Department of Commerce

The 2012 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

Education: Higher Education:  Finances, Fees and Staff

288 - Average Total Price of Attendance of Undergraduate Education [Excel 37k] | [PDF 61k]

289 - Average Out-of-Pocket Net Price of Attendance for Undergraduates [Excel 63k] | [PDF 59k]

290 - Higher Education Price Indexes [Excel 30k] | [PDF 59k]

291 - Federal Student Financial Assistance [Excel 51k] | [PDF 62k]

292 - State and Local Financial Support for Higher Education by State [Excel 235k] | [PDF 62k]

293 - Institutions of Higher Education--Average Charges [Excel 40k] | [PDF 66k]

294 - Voluntary Financial Support of Higher Education [Excel 33k] | [PDF 66k]

295 - Average Salaries for College Faculty Members [Excel 36k] | [PDF 66k]

296 - Employees in Higher Education Institutions by Sex and Occupation [Excel 35k] | [PDF 54k]

297 - Faculty in Institutions of Higher Education [Excel 29k] | [PDF 54k]

305 - Academic Libraries by Selected Characteristics: 2009 [Excel 36k] | [PDF 59k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2012 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: June 27, 2012