Avian Influenza Photo Gallery Index | USDA
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Canadian geese and goslings swim at Fort Collins, Colorado.
 Canada geese with young

Canadian geese and goslings swimming.

USDA Wildlife Services employee cross-checks and verifies the barcode number on a collected fecal sample with the data sheet.
 Barcode Verification

USDA employee verifies barcode on collected fecal samples.

USDA Wildlife Services wildlife disease biologist Todd Felix collects fecal samples along a lake near Fort Collins, Colorado.
 Biologist collects samples

USDA stores fecal samples in secure container.

USDA Wildlife Services wildlife disease biologist, Todd Felix, collects fecal samples along a lake near Fort Collins, Colorado.
 Biologist collects samples

USDA biologist collects fecal samples.

USDA Wildlife Services wildlife disease biologist, Todd Felix, collects fecal samples along a lake near Fort Collins, Colorado.
 Biologist collects samples

USDA biologist collects fecal samples.

USDA/APHIS are monitoring wild birds such as these, Canadian geese at the Fossil Creek Wetlands Natural Area in Fort Collins, Colorado.
 Canada Geese

USDA monitors Canadian geese.

 The most northern point in the United States, Barrow, Alaska.
 Barrow, Alaska

The most northern point in the United States.

The Lapland Longspur is one of many wild bird species being monitored by USDA personnel in Barrow, Alaska.
 Lapland Longspur

The Lapland Longspur is one of many species being monitored.

The most northern point in the United States, Barrow, Alaska.
 Barrow, Alaska

The most northern point in the United States.

USDA/APHIS personnel record samples taken from wild birds and tag each with a unique identifying code before forwarding to testing center.
 Record keeping

USDA personnel record samples taken from wild birds.

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