U.S. Department of Commerce

The 2012 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

Banking, Finance, & Insurance: Payment Systems, Consumer Credit, Mortgage Debt

1184 - Noncash Payments by Method of Payment and ATM Cash Withdrawals [Excel 30k] | [PDF 56k]

1185 - Percentage of Households Using Selected Electronic Banking Technologies [Excel 39k] | [PDF 56k]

1186 - Percent of U.S. Households That Use Selected Payment Instruments [Excel 33k] | [PDF 56k]

1187 - Debit Cards-Holders, Number, Transactions, Volume, and Projections [Excel 34k] | [PDF 56k]

1188 - Credit Cards-Holders, Number, Spending, Debt, and Projections [Excel 32] | [PDF 56]

1189 - Usage Of General Purpose Credit Cards By Families [Excel 43k] | [PDF 56k]

1190 - Consumer Credit Outstanding and Finance Rates [Excel 35k] | [PDF 56k]

1191 - Consumer Credit by Type of Holder [Excel 16k] | [PDF 56k]

1192 - Mortgage Debt Outstanding by Type of Property and Holder [Excel 35k] | [PDF 65k]

1193 - Characteristics of Conventional First Mortgage Loans for Purchase of Single-Family Homes [Excel 47k] | [PDF 65k]

1194 - Mortgage Originations and Delinquency and Foreclosure Rates [Excel 16k] | [PDF 60k]

1195 - Delinquency Rates and Charge-Off Rates on Loans at Insured Commercial Banks [Excel 35k] | [PDF 60k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2012 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: June 27, 2012