NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NERSC Stakeholders

U.S. Department of Energy

US DOE Office of Science Logo

NERSC Allocation Managers at DOE

Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)

DOE Phonebook


Advisory Groups

NERSC Users Group

The NERSC Users Group (NUG) provides advice and feedback to NERSC on the current state and future delivery of NERSC resources and services. Open to all NERSC users, the group promotes the effective use of the center's high performance computing facilities by sharing information, suggesting new research and technology directions and communicating user concerns.

NERSC Policy Board

The NERSC Policy Board (NPB) is composed of widely respected leaders in science, computing technology, or the management of scientific research and/or facilities. It meets at least annually and provides scientific and executive-level advice to the Berkeley Lab Director regarding the NERSC program. It addresses issues such as resource utilization to maximize the present and future scientific impact of NERSC and long-range planning, including the research and development necessary for future capabilities.

Dan Reed
Daniel Reed (Chair)
Microsoft Corporation
Achim Bachem
Achim Bachem
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmH
Jack Dongarra
Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee
Stephane Ethier
Stephane Ethier
(ex officio, NERSC Users Group Chair)
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Sidney Karin
University of California, San Diego          
Pier Oddone
Pier Oddone
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory       

Edward Seidel
Edward Seidel
National Science Foundation


Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory





Berkeley Lab

Computing Sciences

Computational Research Division

ESnet, the Energy Sciences Network


Educational and Research Partners

Office of Science Laboratories

SciDAC Collaborations

Petascale Data Storage Institute

SciDAC Outreach Center

Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies

Berkeley CSE

CERFACS (European Center for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation)

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation

Computer History Museum Center

Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley

Earth Simulator Center of the Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (ESC/JAMSTEC)

Agreement for International Research Cooperation using ESC between ESC/JAMSTEC & NERSC (PDF, 110KB)

High Performance Storage System (HPSS)

Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM),
Kaiserslautern, Germany

Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 54KB)

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)

Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 326KB)

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)

MPI-2 Forum

NASA Ames Research Center

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.

Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 107KB)

Open Science Grid

University of Tokyo Information Technology Center

Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 27KB)