U.S. Department of Commerce

The 2012 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book


This section presents statistics on farms and farm operators; land use; farm income, expenditures, and debt; farm output, productivity, and marketings; foreign trade in agricultural products; specific crops; and livestock, poultry, and their products.

Download, view, and print entire Agriculture Section [PDF 759k]

Agricultural Exports and Imports

848 - Agricultural Exports and Imports--Volume by Principal Commodities [Excel 44k] | [PDF 68k]

849 - Agricultural Exports and Imports--Value [Excel 32k] | [PDF 62k]

850 - Agricultural Imports--Value by Selected Commodity [Excel 38k] | [PDF 62k]

851 - Agricultural Imports--Value by Selected Countries of Origin [Excel 42k] | [PDF 62k]

852 - Selected Farm Products--U.S. and World Production and Exports [Excel 33k] | [PDF 53k]

853 - Percent of U.S. Agricultural Commodity Output Exported [Excel 35k] | [PDF 58k]

854 - Top 10 U.S. Export Markets for Selected Commodities: 2010 [Excel 29k] | [PDF 58k]

855 - Agricultural Exports-Value by Principal Commodities [Excel 38k] | [PDF 67k]

856 - Agricultural Exports-Value by Selected Countries of Destination [Excel 41k] | [PDF 71k]


834 - Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops [Excel 29k] | [PDF 59k]

857 - Cropland Used For Crops and Acreages of Crops Harvested [Excel 31k] | [PDF 71k]

858 - Principal Crops--Supply and Use [Excel 55k] | [PDF 60k]

859 - Corn--Acreage, Production, and Value by Leading States [Excel 252k] | [PDF 76k]

860 - Soybeans--Acreage, Production, and Value by Leading States [Excel 267k] | [PDF 80k]

861 - Wheat--Acreage, Production, and Value by Leading States [Excel 258k] | [PDF 80k]

862 - Commercial Vegetable and Other Specified Crops--Area, Production, and Value, and Leading Producing States [Excel 41k] | [PDF 61k]

863 - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables--Supply and Use [Excel 45k] | [PDF 65k]

864 - Fruits and Nuts--Utilized Production and Value, and Leading Producing States [Excel 42k] | [PDF 64k]

865 - Nuts--Supply and Use [Excel 114k] | [PDF 68k]

866 - Honey-Number of Bee Colonies, Yield, and Production [Excel 30k] | [PDF 68k]

868 - Horticultural Specialty Crop Operations, Value of Sales, and Total Land Area Used to Grow Horticultural Crops: 2009 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 64k]

Farm Income and Balance Sheet

830 - Family Farm Household Income and Wealth and by Gross Sales [Excel 38k] | [PDF 55k]

839 - Balance Sheet of The Farming Sector [Excel 47k] | [PDF 65k]

840 - Farm Sector Output and Value Added [Excel 70k] | [PDF 61k]

841 - Value Added To Economy by Agricultural Sector [Excel 70k] | [PDF 66k]

842 - Cash Receipts For Selected Commodities--Leading States: 2009 [Excel 114k] | [PDF 66k]

843 - Farm Income--Cash Receipts From Farm Marketings [Excel 61k] | [PDF 67k]

844 - Value of Agricultural Production, Income, and Government Payments [Excel 67k] | [PDF 67k]

845 - Farm Marketings, and Principal Commodities by State [Excel 113k] | [PDF 68k]

846 - Indexes of Prices Received and Paid by Farmers [Excel 38k] | [PDF 73k]

847 - Civilian Consumer Expenditures For Farm Foods [Excel 40k] | [PDF 68k]

Farms and Farmland

823 - Selected Characteristics of Farms by NAICS: 2007 [Excel 37k] | [PDF 69k]

824 - Farms--Number and Acreage [Excel 28k] | [PDF 68k]

825 - Farms--Number and Acreage by State [Excel 131k] | [PDF 68k]

826 - Farms by Size and Type of Organization [Excel 32k] | [PDF 68k]

827 - Farms--Number and Acreage by Size of Farm [Excel 31k] | [PDF 60k]

828 - Farms--Number, Acreage, and Value by Tenure of Principal Operator and Type of Organization [Excel 35k] | [PDF 64k]

829 - Corporate Farms-Characteristics by Type [Excel 32k] | [PDF 64k]

831 - Farm Type, Acreage, and Production [Excel 34k] | [PDF 53k]

832 - Organic Agriculture-Number of Farms, Acreage, and Value of Sales: 2007 [Excel 28k] | [PDF 59k]

833 - Certified Organic Farmland, Crops, and Livestock [Excel 34k] | [PDF 59k]

835 - Farms-Number, Acreage, and Value of Sales by Size of Sales [Excel 31k] | [PDF 64k]

836 - Farms-Number, Value of Sales, and Government Payment by Economic Class of Farm [Excel 29k] | [PDF 65k]

837 - Farm Production Expenses [Excel 30k] | [PDF 64k]

838 - Farms-Number, Acreage, and Value by State [Excel 44k] | [PDF 64k]

868 - Farmers Markets Characteristics: 2005 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 64k]

Meat and Livestock

869 - Meat Supply and Use [Excel 111k] | {PDF 54k]

870 - Livestock Inventory and Production [Excel 36k] | [PDF 66k]

871 - Livestock Operations by Size of Herd [Excel 32k] | [PDF 66k]

872 - Hogs and Pigs--Number, Production, and Value by State [Excel 254k] | [PDF 66k]

873 - Cattle and Calves--Number, Production, and Value by State [Excel 260k] | [PDF 68k]

874 - Milk Cows--Number, Production, and Value by State [Excel 38k] | [PDF 72k]

875 - Milk Production and Manufactured Dairy Products [Excel 46k] | [PDF 72k]

876 - Milk Production and Commercial Use [Excel 34k] | [PDF 70k]

877 - Broiler, Turkey and Egg Production [Excel 40k] | [PDF 70k]

878 - Broiler and Turkey Production by State [Excel 122k] | [PDF 70k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2012 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: June 27, 2012