Propose a Campaign : Preproposal Form

Preproposals are short summaries of the proposed campaign and can originate with any scientist. Before you begin your preproposal, you should review the guidelines for submitting proposals.

If you are preparing your preproposals locally on your computer, please note that some translation problems from Microsoft Word to the form have been experienced. Before copying and pasting your text from Word to the online form, please copy and paste it into Notepad first. This will help eliminate hidden code from being carried over from Word. If you would like to include scientific characters or any other special characters, please use the ISO 8859-1 standard for HTML conversion or spell it out. For assistance with characters conversion, contact the administrators.


Indicates required field.

Lead Scientist

Enter last name to search.
| Not in ARM people directory? Add name.


Enter last name to search.
| Not in ARM people directory? Add name.

Field Campaign / Instrument Proposal Name

Please limit to 50 characters (Example: Spring Cloud Field Campaign, Nauru Island Effect Study).

Field Campaign / Instrument Time Span

Free form. (Example: March 1, 2007 to October 31, 2007).

ARM Site Designation

Scientific Focus

Succinct statement of underlying hypothesis or technical goal for proposed research.

Relevancy to ARM Mission

Please refer to our mission statement.


The description should include the general work plan and the experimental methods and nature of the measurements to be made. It should include information about the spatial and temporal nature of the data collection, methods for data analysis, and expected final product (e.g., a final report, a publication, etc.). All data from ARM field campaigns must be delivered to the ARM Data Archive within six months of completion of the field campaign.

ARM Resources Needed

What on-site ARM instruments are to be used in the campaign? Will additional instruments be brought to the site? Over what period of time will investigators and technicians be on site (a Site Access Request must be completed for each site visitor)? Are ARM staff technicians needed to establish and maintain additional instruments? What are the data transfer requirements? For the instrument development, include expected labor, procurement cost, and/or number of test flight hours (if requested).


Are you planning to include other aircraft operations in your proposal? If so, please explain the purpose of those aircraft by providing an outline in the "Additional Information" section below.
Yes No

Additional Information