NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

TechWomen Visit NERSC

Thirty women from the United States Department of State’s 2012 TechWomen cultural exchange toured the Department of Energy’s NERSC on Thursday, September 27. » Read More

End-to-End Network Tuning Sends Data Screaming from NERSC to NOAA

Earlier this year, NERSC and ESnet staff helped NOAA's Gary Bates transfer 170 terabytes of data from NERSC in Oakland, Ca back to NOAA in Boulder, Co at a whopping rate of 395 megabytes per second for a weather forecasting project. » Read More

Now Accepting Applications for Alvarez Fellowship!

Apply now for the Luis W. Alvarez Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational Science, sponsored by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Computing Sciences Directorate. The successful applicant will receive a competitive salary and excellent benefits. » Read More

Supernovae of the Same Brightness, Cut From Different Cosmic Cloth

The Palomar Transient Factory team presented historic observations of a rare Type 1a supernova progenitor system in an August issue of Science. The event was initially detected by the PTF Real-Time Detection pipeline at NERSC. » Read More

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Computing at NERSC

Now Computing

A small sample of massively parallel scientific computing jobs running right now at NERSC.

Project Machine CPU Cores CPU Core Hours Used
Cosmic Microwave Background Data Analysis For The Planck Satellite Mission
 PI: Julian D. Borrill, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hopper 25,920
Type Ia Supernovae
 PI: Stan E. Woosley, University of California Santa Cruz
Hopper 24,576
continuing studies of plasma based accelerators
 PI: Warren Mori, University of California Los Angeles
Hopper 15,360
Frontiers in Accelerator Design: Advanced Modeling for Next-Generation BES Accelerators
 PI: Robert Ryne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Carver 128
Quantum Simulations of Nanoscale Solar Cells
 PI: Jeffrey C. Grossman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Carver 128

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Each year NERSC's 4,000 users report more than 1,500 peer-reviewed paper submissions based on work using our resources.

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