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Serial and Westmere Queues on Carver

September 20, 2011 by Francesca Verdier | 0 Comments

NERSC has replaced 80 8-core Intel Nehalem nodes on Carver with 80 12-core Intel Westmere nodes. The new processors run at the same frequency as those they replace, but have slightly larger caches. Also, the Westmere nodes are populated with 48GB of memory; the memory runs at 1333MHz. This new hardware serves two purposes. First, it provides access to more memory (48GB) than is available on other Carver compute nodes (24GB). This capability is available through a new batch queue "westmere".  As an incentive to use the new westmere queue, its jobs will be charged for 8 cores, not the 12 cores that these nodes have.

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