NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

User Surveys

2010/2011 User Survey Results

Response Summary A special thanks to the 411 users who responded to the 2011 survey, which was conducted from June 6-30, 2011. This represents a 13.1 percent response rate from the 3,130 users who had been active in the 12 months prior.  Your responses are important to us because they provide feedback about every aspect of NERSC's operation, help us judge the quality of our services, give DOE information on how well NERSC is doing, and point us to areas we can improve. The survey strives to be… Read More »

2009/2010 User Survey Results

395 users took the 2009/2010 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.4 / 7. Read More »

2008/2009 User Survey Results

421 users took the 2008/2009 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.2 / 7. Read More »

2007/2008 User Survey Results

467 users took the 2007/2008 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.3 / 7. Read More »

2006 User Survey Results

256 users took the 2006 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.3 / 7. Read More »

2005 User Survey Results

201 users took the 2005 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.2 / 7. Read More »

2004 User Survey Results

209 users took the 2004 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.1 / 7. Read More »

2003 User Survey Results

326 users took the 2003 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.4 / 7. Read More »

2002 User Survey Results

300 users took the 2002 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.3 / 7. Read More »

2001 User Survey Results

237 users took the 2001 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.3 / 7. Read More »

2000 User Survey Results

134 users took the 2000 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.2 / 7. Read More »

1999 User Survey Results

177 users took the 1999 survey; they gave NERSC an average rating of 6.3 / 7. Read More »

1998 User Survey Results

NERSC has completed its first user survey since its move to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The survey is intended to provide user feedback about every aspect of NERSC's operation, help us judge the quality of our services, give DOE information on how NERSC is doing, point us to areas we can improve, and show how we compare to similar facilities. We intend to repeat the survey yearly to monitor our progress. Read More »