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Is searching for a job a full-time job?

Alison Greene of Ask a Manager says it's not and shouldn't be:

"I don't know why people say stuff like this. It's one of those simplistic cliches that have ended up getting repeated over and over without being true.

It's a great way to mislead job-seekers about what an effective job search is really about."

Read more from Ask a Manager

Hard questions from Sandy Hook

A week after the events in Newtown, Connecticut, many of us are reflecting and wondering what to do next. Echoing Green has put together a list of questions to help us think about the work we do and how we can best help others. Read more and share your thoughts.

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Ten technology trends to watch in 2013

"When it comes to strategizing around technology, it's important to distinguish the trendy from the truly useful. This is particularly true for nonprofit and association leaders who need to show funders their dollars are working. Just in time for budgets and planning, we've identified ten technology trends worth adopting in 2013."

Read more from the Stanford Social Innovation Review

How one company is bringing the farmers market to you

"For the person who understands the value of eating healthy but is not able to access enough healthy food, Farmigo just made it easier," says founder Benzi Ronen. "For the folks who have wanted to get involved and become part of the solution, Farmigo provides concrete steps to take action."

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Three ways to take a break this holiday season

When was the last time you took a vacation? While it can be hard to step away from your desk, a little time away can do wonders for you professionally and personally.

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Can an MBA boost your impact and career?

In October, Curtis Chang at the Stanford Social Innovation Review shared a few management tips for nonprofit leaders based on lessons taught in MBA programs. While he notes the challenges in pursuing an MBA - including cost and time - we know that many people are considering graduate school to help them develop these skills and we are excited to see that MBA programs are expanding their offerings to include a greater focus on social impact.

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