Phillip C. Silva

District Director
Picture of Phillip C. Silva, District Director

Phillip Silva is the Small Business Administration’s El Paso District Director having been appointed to the position on June 8, 2004. Mr. Silva served as Acting District Director from May 21, 2002 until his appointment.

Mr. Silva has been with the U.S. Small Business Administration for more than twenty-five years having responsibility in various program areas. Much of his SBA career has been centered in El Paso however he was stationed in New Orleans, LA and Albuquerque, NM for approximately two and half years. During his tenure as Assistant District Director for Economic Development that began in 1994 the El Paso District Office has been involved in the approval of more than 1,800 loans with a value of more than 180 million dollars creating more than 2,000 new jobs and retention of many more jobs providing El Pasoans with additional access to capital resources. For fiscal year 1999 the El Paso District was recognized for Nationwide Outstanding Program Goal Attainment, First Place in Small Market. For Fiscal 2004 the El Paso District ranked fourth in the nation and third overall in goal attainment in its market size and top District Office in Region VI followed by 2005 and 2006 top District Office in Region VI and consecutive third place ranking in market size. Loan currency rates have improved from 69% in 1994 to a high of 96.3% representing recognition as a good performing portfolio. Mr. Silva has also held a number of different positions with the Agency that have included hands on loan processing, loan servicing, loan liquidation, lender training and marketing/outreach of SBA program and services.

Before joining the SBA Phillip worked as a financial consultant representing small business clients before the SBA, banks and other federal agencies regarding 8(a) contract negotiations, loan proposals and general business needs.

Mr. Silva is a graduate of New Mexico State University where his studies centered in finance, accounting and economics. During this time Mr. Silva was also a member of several National and International Honor Service Organizations.

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