Nat Manning at Hacking for Hunger
Open Data Initiative - Hacking for Hunger Highlights
Hacking for Hunger Highlights
Open Data Diagram
Open Data Initiatives at USAID - Making more development data open and impactful...
Making more development data open and impactful by designing and building innovative tools with issue experts, data technologists, development stakeholders, and volunteers.
Latest News about FSODC - Come learn more about the White House Open Data...
Come learn more about the White House Open Data Initiative, Open Government policy, & USAID’s pilot program: The Food Security Open Data Challenge.
Hackathon Teams
Follow up with Teams! - Food Security Ideation Challenge teams continue...
Food Security Ideation Challenge teams continue their work: Get in touch to participate!
Women in market
Contact Us - Do you have an additional challenge question? Do...
Do you have an additional challenge question? Do you want to volunteer? Contact Us!
Judges listen to Virtual Hackers
Participants - The Food Security Open Data Challenge gathers...
The Food Security Open Data Challenge gathers academics, technologists, food security specialists, entrepreneurs, corporations, and more to identify key opportunities, focused on the overlap of food security...
Ideation Jam - Ideation Jams gather academics, technologists,...
Ideation Jams gather academics, technologists, food security specialists, entrepreneurs, corporations, and key innovation opportunities by focusing on the overlap of food security priorities and the potential...
Woman eating piece of bread in front of USAID flag
Datapalooza - The Datapalooza will feature the most promising...
The Datapalooza will feature the most promising solutions to food security that use open data in their design and implementation.
Open Data Initiative

USAID's first iteration of the Open Data Initiative convenes experts and volunteers to build innovative solutions using food security data.  Get involved to identify and open more development data across all sectors!

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