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Personal Wellness  

Personal wellness includes all of the things you can do to maintain your physical and mental health.  Your fitness, attitude, and outlook have a direct bearing on how well you can do your job -- and on how well you can live your life!  This Personal Wellness section contains information, tools, and resources to help you work and live as fully as possible.

Increase Your
Operational Tempo!

Then, Track Your:

 CaloriesWith the MyPyramid Menu Planner, you can set targets, then plan menus that will help achieve your goals.

 Nutrition—Assess what you’re eating and balance your diet with AnalyzeMyPlate.

 Physical ActivitySet realistic goals for fitness, then use the President's Challenge Activity Log to stay on target.

 Food Intake—Find out how much saturated and total fat you should be eating with a TLC Personal Eating Plan.

 Body MassAre you underweight, normal, overweight, or obese? Find out ‘officially’ by calculating your body mass.

November 2010: Tobacco Cessation Month

*Updates on materials and resouces will be posted soon...

December 2010: Holiday Health

The holiday season is right around the corner and it’s time to celebrate with your family and friends! However, it is also important to pay special attention to your health and the stress that may occur in preparing for the holidays. Give yourself and others the gift of health through these resourceful tips:

 CPP Memo for December's Holiday Health Awareness Campaign

 Holiday Health Brochure

 10 Tips to Melt Your Stress Away!

 Air Force Article on Holiday Stress

 • Ways to De-Stress with Your Family

 A Guide to Job Stress

 CDC Holiday Health and Safety Tips

 USDA Healthy Holiday Eats

 NIH Tutorial on Stress Management

 • Test Your Stress Smarts!

 Holiday Health Awareness Posters

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