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It is important to invest in our students early in the education process. That is why I sponsored the Rebuilding America's Schools Act which will allocate $11 billion for various school construction projects and allow schools to borrow money at little to no interest. Schools must have adequate funding in order to support certain operational or expansionary investments.
The collapse of the American housing market that began in late 2006 has brought our economy to its knees and left Americans from all walks of life without a home or struggling to keep a roof over their head.
All humans, regardless of religious beliefs, must live by the same Golden Rule: Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. From the President of the United States to everyday Americans, we strive to uphold this belief as we face the challenges of our time to ensure a better future for our great nation.
2011 has been a year of harsh economic instability and political turmoil around the world. It is no wonder TIME Magazine has selected “The Protester” as its Person of the Year – people are jobless, helpless, frustrated and just mad as hell.



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