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Water: Radionuclides Rule

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  • Radionuclides: Compliance Options - Learn and Decide
      Community water systems (CWSs) that use source water containing   radium-226 (Ra-226), radium-228 (Ra-228), gross alpha particle activity,   beta particle and photon radioactivity, or uranium must comply with the   Radionuclides Rule. This content provides general information on:  
    • the available   treatment technologies for the removal of radium, uranium, and gross   alpha particle activity;
    • the residuals produced by each technology;  
    • disposal options; and,
    • the regulations governing these options.
  • Removing Multiple Contaminants from Drinking Water: Issues to Consider PDF (1pp, 366K)
      EPA 816-H-07-004, December 2007
  • Talking to your Customers about Chronic Contaminants in Drinking Water PDF (2pp, 381K)
    EPA 814-F-07-022, October 2007
  • Limits for Beta Particles and Photon Emitters at 4 millrems/year (PDF 1 pp, 56 K)
    The MCL for beta particles and photom emitters in 4 millirems/year.  This table, which is excerpted from the Radionuclides Small Entity Compliance Guide, identifies the individual limits associated with specific types of particles that would correspond to an exposure level of 4 mrem/year.
  • A System's Guide to the Management of Radioactive Residuals from Drinking Water Treatment Technologies
      This short document provides information on the available treatment technologies for the removal of radium, uranium, and gross alpha particle activity (radionuclides); the residuals produced by each technology; disposal options; and the regulations governing these options.
    • Download (PDF 6 pp, 4 M)
            EPA 816-F-06-012, August 2006
  • A Regulator's Guide to the Management of Radioactive Residuals from Drinking Water Treatment Technologies
        EPA 816-R-05-004, July 2005
        This guidance document was developed to assist drinking water programs and systems decide which treatment technology to use based on treatment efficiency, disposal of residuals containing radionuclides, and worker safety concerns. EPA is providing this guidance manual primarily to states and technical assistance providers who will then provide guidance to those water systems affected by the Radionuclides Rule.
  • Analytical Methods for Uranium

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    State Guidance  

  • Final Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides
    EPA 816-F-00-002, March 2002
    This document provides a "how to" approach for EPA Regions and states who will implement the final regulation issued Dec 7, 2000.  It contains an explanation of the rule's requirements and guidance for preparing state primacy revisions. The implementation guidance also covers monitoring requirements, violation determination, and data reporting.

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