Shape Tomorrow Today

If you are interested in joining our dynamic team to help "shape tomorrow today," please consider this competitive information technology career field. IRM recruiters seek out qualified applicants at high-technology job fairs, through advertisements in major newspapers, and on information technology career Internet Web sites. In addition, we are working closely with the Bureau of Human Resources to expedite applicants' evaluation and hiring.

If you would like to "shape tomorrow today," please visit the Bureau of Human Resources or Office of Personnel Management Web sites and consider working in the field of information technology.

The Department depends on IRM employees to manage a wide variety of vital diplomatic, consular, and administrative information systems around the clock. To ensure that IRM employees keep current with the rapid and constant advancements in information technology, the bureau has invested millions in training. These funds are being used to keep employees up-to-date on ever-changing advanced telecommunications, network management and personal computer administration, project management, Internet and Intranet services, web-based application development, and information systems security.


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