Annual Statistical Supplement, 2004


Supplemental Security Income

Other Income Sources

Table 7.D1 Persons receiving federally administered payments and other income and their average monthly income, by type of income, eligibility category, and age, December 2003
Type of income Total Category Age
Aged Blind Disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older a
Number 6,902,364 1,232,778 77,082 5,592,504 959,379 3,953,248 1,989,737
With unearned income
Social Security benefits 2,421,362 708,499 26,891 1,685,972 67,351 1,212,446 1,141,565
Other 809,910 231,350 8,488 570,072 179,258 323,883 306,769
With earned income 271,957 17,541 4,942 249,474 3,120 241,341 27,496
With unearned income
Social Security benefits 35.1 57.5 34.9 30.1 7.0 30.7 57.4
Other 11.7 18.8 11.0 10.2 18.7 8.2 15.4
With earned income 3.9 1.4 6.4 4.5 0.3 6.1 1.4
Average income (dollars)
With unearned income
Social Security benefits 422.43 419.73 438.68 423.31 189.75 440.37 417.11
Other 130.22 103.05 115.11 141.47 188.15 124.30 102.62
With earned income 309.74 325.95 556.18 303.72 336.40 314.97 260.80
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
NOTE: See section SSI: History of Provisions for discussion of income.
a. Includes approximately 17,400 blind and 739,500 disabled persons aged 65 or older.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186.
Table 7.D2 Percentage of persons receiving both federally administered payments and Social Security benefits, average monthly amount of benefits, by state or other area, eligibility category, and age, December 2003
State or area Percentage with Social Security benefits Average monthly Social Security benefit (dollars)
Total Category Age Total Category Age
Aged Blind Disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or
Aged Blind Disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or
All areas 35.1 57.5 34.9 30.1 7.0 30.7 57.4 422.43 419.73 438.68 423.31 189.75 440.37 417.11
Alabama 40.9 87.0 43.0 34.1 9.2 34.6 79.3 406.77 414.50 395.35 403.95 184.43 423.42 406.62
Alaska 34.7 61.2 40.2 27.5 7.1 28.2 58.4 395.42 393.56 402.13 396.40 180.92 411.04 388.27
Arizona 32.6 59.5 29.7 28.0 7.3 28.8 58.7 388.29 372.71 371.38 394.14 188.10 418.99 369.68
Arkansas 43.2 89.6 39.1 36.3 9.1 37.4 82.6 410.06 422.57 389.94 405.68 184.79 424.25 412.74
California 37.3 47.5 36.4 32.9 5.2 32.8 48.4 481.96 450.78 518.05 500.44 230.44 518.68 458.84
Colorado 36.2 55.2 31.9 32.6 6.1 33.5 57.4 410.92 406.77 407.81 412.29 194.62 423.22 404.27
Connecticut 30.3 44.1 26.9 28.1 8.1 28.0 47.5 395.30 381.91 385.82 398.74 180.31 415.57 382.65
Delaware 33.3 65.2 34.8 29.7 7.0 33.5 64.8 412.05 419.47 383.90 410.54 177.69 429.58 415.00
District of Columbia 25.5 65.7 24.0 20.7 6.0 19.2 59.8 403.28 396.48 427.31 405.58 218.39 430.59 395.94
Florida 33.5 51.3 32.5 28.0 7.4 31.2 51.5 393.67 387.96 393.18 396.89 191.53 419.06 388.08
Georgia 38.9 76.0 32.4 32.4 6.7 31.9 72.2 414.76 421.07 394.66 412.40 198.27 429.03 412.71
Hawaii 31.7 42.9 33.3 26.8 6.5 25.8 44.0 429.43 401.55 481.16 448.02 169.97 468.46 403.62
Idaho 36.2 78.9 31.0 32.3 7.8 35.0 75.1 413.20 424.65 400.20 410.72 176.32 425.58 415.85
Illinois 23.8 40.9 25.5 21.4 6.0 21.8 42.5 390.24 383.51 393.07 391.99 185.50 406.69 388.78
Indiana 32.2 73.2 33.7 29.2 7.1 32.5 68.8 400.43 412.98 391.29 398.26 174.01 411.41 409.80
Iowa 39.4 74.6 40.5 35.7 7.4 38.3 71.6 410.70 429.96 399.47 406.83 166.04 415.29 423.24
Kansas 36.2 65.8 29.3 33.2 7.7 36.3 64.1 407.65 419.16 363.18 405.75 180.54 417.61 414.12
Kentucky 35.3 83.5 33.5 30.6 9.3 29.3 73.6 395.11 406.89 381.62 392.11 164.18 410.19 395.70
Louisiana 35.0 81.6 36.6 28.3 7.2 27.7 74.0 393.56 404.25 388.90 389.24 195.11 405.25 397.10
Maine 43.9 87.7 37.2 39.7 14.0 38.6 81.8 415.52 435.22 403.63 411.41 146.02 424.68 424.25
Maryland 28.9 44.9 30.9 25.6 6.3 25.9 48.0 403.90 395.33 421.32 406.83 205.91 424.13 395.73
Massachusetts 37.3 56.5 42.5 30.0 10.0 33.2 55.8 458.16 464.25 479.32 452.84 185.60 465.48 465.67
Michigan 30.4 56.7 31.3 28.0 7.3 29.0 58.3 414.75 422.54 416.54 413.32 177.05 426.84 419.89
Minnesota 32.0 50.9 27.1 28.9 6.9 31.2 49.7 399.78 404.01 390.18 398.64 171.16 410.98 399.71
Mississippi 41.7 89.2 42.6 34.0 8.6 33.6 80.0 400.48 409.80 390.23 396.64 184.96 417.27 400.12
Missouri 37.1 75.9 37.8 33.2 8.1 34.5 71.3 401.63 415.65 386.92 398.50 180.97 411.29 406.35
Montana 39.4 81.0 38.6 35.5 7.4 35.9 77.0 418.62 431.81 398.80 416.05 206.28 427.15 417.37
Nebraska 39.9 72.6 36.6 36.3 7.8 39.4 69.5 412.06 426.93 389.45 409.00 186.06 418.78 419.85
Nevada 32.9 58.5 36.7 23.8 6.1 29.1 57.8 437.56 443.67 466.70 430.80 194.73 447.41 443.43
New Hampshire 37.2 64.8 34.5 35.0 12.7 35.9 66.7 409.61 385.33 434.52 412.89 174.80 429.48 398.03
New Jersey 31.8 42.5 32.5 28.6 6.5 29.8 45.3 419.81 404.29 419.24 426.57 208.71 444.44 407.14
New Mexico 39.5 73.1 35.8 32.4 6.6 30.9 68.6 388.26 380.77 381.19 391.95 195.55 409.57 378.11
New York 31.5 45.1 37.7 27.7 6.0 27.2 45.6 444.61 424.20 452.67 453.70 195.01 476.58 426.12
North Carolina 42.9 83.8 36.5 35.9 8.3 36.9 77.7 406.34 416.07 393.98 402.59 189.51 423.07 404.61
North Dakota 45.8 81.2 33.8 40.1 6.3 41.6 75.6 404.30 408.54 368.70 403.22 174.89 412.93 400.99
Ohio 27.7 60.7 31.0 25.3 6.4 26.0 59.4 391.00 401.85 382.71 389.25 173.80 400.67 398.29
Oklahoma 36.5 79.4 32.1 30.7 6.5 30.8 73.4 400.61 412.11 388.42 396.70 184.83 409.47 403.53
Oregon 34.7 56.8 33.9 31.3 5.9 32.9 57.5 414.87 413.63 376.65 415.76 195.11 426.18 408.91
Pennsylvania 31.2 65.2 35.3 27.1 7.4 27.6 61.1 428.87 456.87 420.56 420.92 182.56 437.84 440.08
Rhode Island 38.5 63.8 41.9 34.3 8.4 35.4 61.5 454.96 482.09 455.40 446.51 182.65 463.13 462.41
South Carolina 40.2 86.0 37.7 33.2 7.5 33.2 77.7 402.85 407.08 395.18 401.31 195.38 418.49 400.94
South Dakota 41.8 71.8 33.3 36.9 6.8 39.5 67.7 399.62 429.37 406.24 389.97 185.97 403.47 406.98
Tennessee 39.6 84.6 31.6 33.6 8.3 32.6 75.9 404.40 413.57 372.68 401.65 189.62 418.16 402.12
Texas 40.0 68.6 31.9 30.7 5.4 30.1 68.0 391.09 383.73 376.26 396.79 202.35 415.52 381.81
Utah 30.0 49.5 26.3 27.8 5.8 31.2 50.3 399.16 386.81 354.47 402.23 194.15 415.07 386.84
Vermont 47.3 85.8 55.9 42.8 10.6 43.2 80.8 445.43 462.36 405.42 442.02 147.40 454.64 451.37
Virginia 37.4 61.1 36.1 32.6 7.9 33.4 61.9 403.50 407.76 386.90 402.12 184.11 418.03 402.60
Washington 27.1 34.0 27.8 26.1 6.2 27.3 37.8 409.13 401.07 394.65 410.87 187.39 422.30 401.04
West Virginia 32.0 82.8 31.4 28.5 9.9 26.5 69.8 395.21 416.97 396.75 390.96 168.80 403.63 402.35
Wisconsin 35.7 68.6 32.4 32.0 6.8 34.9 65.7 408.92 419.25 398.88 406.57 177.51 417.25 416.05
Wyoming 38.8 82.6 26.5 34.8 8.4 35.7 79.2 415.50 436.52 399.85 410.92 184.07 421.97 425.02
Outlying area
Northern Mariana Islands 27.3 53.7 38.5 19.9 1.8 26.2 51.6 293.11 276.57 266.00 306.37 178.33 320.35 270.50
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186.