
Viet Cong artwork, 1967

John Olson ©Stars and Stripes
Along the My Tho River, South Vietnam, December, 1967: U.S. and South Vietnamese officers display a captured Viet Cong drawing of an American aircraft in the aftermath of a battle 65 miles southwest of Saigon. A river assault force from the U.S. 9th Infantry Division's 2nd Brigade Riverine Force and the 5th Vietnamese Marine Battalion encountered sniper fire while steaming up the My Tho, setting off a day-long battle that ended with 235 Viet Cong reported killed.

More Stars and Stripes photos from the My Tho River in December, 1967.

Past Stars and Stripes photos of the day

Here are links to photos of the day from Stripes' old Web site.

Note: Due to coding differences with our old format, some of the links on the individual pages -- including the ones to previous photos listed on the bottom of the pages -- will not work.