U.S. Department of Justice

Economic Impacts of Prison Growth

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: May. 28, 2010

Library ID

  • 024411

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  • 2010
  • 35 pages.

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Anyone involved with prison planning or who has an interest in prison growth and spending needs to read this report. Sections following a summary are: corrections a rising concern; U.S. corrections system; prisoner boom and incarceration trends; prison employment and unions; prison construction, rural prisons, and financing; private sector—private prison companies and the private prison industry; economic impact—prisons as drivers of economic development; and challenges for policymakers. “Though many local officials cite benefits, broader research suggests that prisons may not generate the nature and scale of benefits municipalities anticipate or may even slow growth in some localities” (p.i).

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