Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Table 2.1a Energy Consumption Estimates by Sector, 1949-2011 (Trillion Btu)
Table 2.1a  Energy Consumption Estimates by Sector, 1949-2011
                        (Trillion Btu)

End-Use Sectors Electric
Sector 3,4

Item 7

Primary 8
Residential  Commercial 1 Industrial 2 Transportation
Primary 5 Total 6 Primary 5 Total 6 Primary 5 Total 6 Primary 5 Total 6 Primary 5
1949 4,460 5,599 2,669 3,669 12,633 14,724 7,880 7,990 4,339 (s) 31,982
1950 4,829 5,989 2,834 3,893 13,890 16,241 8,383 8,492 4,679 (s) 34,616
1951 5,104 6,380 2,738 3,873 15,127 17,679 8,933 9,042 5,071 (s) 36,974
1952 5,158 6,560 2,673 3,873 14,672 17,311 8,907 9,003 5,338 (s) 36,748
1953 5,053 6,559 2,512 3,771 15,339 18,212 9,030 9,123 5,730 (s) 37,664
1954 5,262 6,846 2,458 3,733 14,317 17,158 8,823 8,903 5,780 (s) 36,639
1955 5,608 7,278 2,561 3,895 16,103 19,485 9,474 9,550 6,461 (s) 40,208
1956 5,839 7,663 2,607 4,023 16,576 20,209 9,790 9,859 6,942 (s) 41,754
1957 5,744 7,712 2,449 3,961 16,526 20,218 9,837 9,896 7,231 (s) 41,787
1958 6,125 8,201 2,557 4,119 15,813 19,321 9,952 10,004 7,198 (s) 41,645
1959 6,188 8,412 2,649 4,372 16,536 20,333 10,298 10,349 7,794 (s) 43,466
1960 6,651 9,039 2,723 4,609 16,996 20,842 10,560 10,596 8,158 (s) 45,086
1961 6,776 9,286 2,765 4,728 17,012 20,955 10,734 10,769 8,452 (s) 45,738
1962 7,080 9,782 2,924 5,036 17,610 21,788 11,185 11,219 9,028 (s) 47,826
1963 7,090 9,988 2,921 5,251 18,388 22,751 11,620 11,654 9,625 (s) 49,644
1964 7,112 10,241 2,977 5,466 19,449 24,111 11,963 11,997 10,313 (s) 51,815
1965 7,279 10,639 3,177 5,845 20,148 25,098 12,399 12,432 11,012 (s) 54,015
1966 7,500 11,169 3,409 6,324 21,055 26,422 13,068 13,100 11,983 (s) 57,014
1967 7,711 11,639 3,768 6,899 21,013 26,614 13,718 13,752 12,695 (s) 58,905
1968 7,933 12,336 3,899 7,329 21,869 27,883 14,831 14,866 13,882 (s) 62,415
1969 8,243 13,169 4,085 7,833 22,648 29,105 15,471 15,507 15,167 (s) 65,614
1970 8,322 13,766 4,237 8,346 22,964 29,628 16,062 16,098 16,253 (s) 67,838
1971 8,427 14,246 4,324 8,721 22,720 29,586 16,694 16,730 17,118 (s) 69,283
1972 8,627 14,857 4,412 9,183 23,517 30,930 17,682 17,717 18,450 (s) 72,688
1973 8,225 14,897 4,423 9,543 24,720 32,623 18,577 18,613 19,731 7 75,684
1974 7,908 14,654 4,259 9,393 23,796 31,787 18,087 18,120 19,905 7 73,962
1975 7,990 14,813 4,059 9,492 21,434 29,413 18,210 18,245 20,270 1 71,965
1976 8,391 15,410 4,371 10,063 22,665 31,393 19,067 19,101 21,473 8 75,975
1977 8,194 15,662 4,258 10,208 23,165 32,263 19,786 19,822 22,551 7 77,961
1978 8,260 16,132 4,309 10,512 23,244 32,688 20,583 20,617 23,553 2 79,950
1979 7,919 15,813 4,366 10,648 24,192 33,925 20,437 20,472 23,943 2 80,859
1980 7,439 15,753 4,105 10,578 22,595 32,039 19,659 19,697 24,269 -1 78,067
1981 7,045 15,262 3,837 10,616 21,318 30,712 19,478 19,514 24,425 3 76,106
1982 7,147 15,531 3,864 10,860 19,053 27,614 19,052 19,089 23,979 4 73,099
1983 6,832 15,425 3,840 10,938 18,548 27,428 19,134 19,177 24,614 3 72,971
1984 7,211 15,960 4,001 11,444 20,174 29,570 19,609 19,656 25,635 3 76,632
1985 7,148 16,041 3,732 11,451 19,443 28,816 20,041 20,088 26,032 -4 76,392
1986 6,906 15,975 3,693 11,606 19,078 28,274 20,740 20,789 26,227 3 76,647
1987 6,923 16,263 3,774 11,946 19,953 29,379 21,419 21,469 26,988 -3 79,054
1988 7,357 17,133 3,994 12,578 20,862 30,677 22,267 22,318 28,227 3 82,709
1989 7,567 17,786 4,043 13,193 20,874 31,320 22,424 22,478 4 29,869 9 84,786
1990 6,557 16,945 3,896 13,320 21,180 31,810 22,366 22,420 30,495 -9 84,485
1991 6,747 17,420 3,945 13,500 20,824 31,399 22,065 22,118 30,856 1 84,438
1992 6,950 17,356 3,991 13,441 21,756 32,571 22,363 22,415 30,723 (s) 85,783
1993 7,146 18,218 3,973 13,820 21,753 32,629 22,715 22,768 31,847 -10 87,424
1994 6,978 18,112 4,016 14,098 22,393 33,521 23,311 23,366 32,399 -6 89,091
1995 6,936 18,519 4,101 14,690 22,719 33,971 23,791 23,846 33,479 3 91,029
1996 R 7,467 19,504 4,273 15,172 23,410 34,904 24,383 24,437 34,485 4 94,022
1997 7,033 18,965 4,295 15,681 23,686 35,200 24,695 24,750 34,886 6 94,602
1998 6,413 18,955 4,005 15,968 23,177 34,843 25,201 25,256 36,225 -3 95,018
1999 6,775 19,557 4,053 16,376 22,950 34,764 25,891 25,949 36,976 6 96,652
2000 7,159 20,425 4,278 17,175 22,824 34,664 26,489 26,548 38,062 2 R 98,814
2001 6,868 20,042 4,084 17,137 21,794 32,720 26,213 26,275 37,215 -6 96,168
2002 R 6,912 R 20,791 R 4,132 R 17,345 R 21,799 R 32,662 R 26,781 R 26,842 38,016 5 R 97,645
2003 7,211 21,110 4,283 17,343 21,503 32,532 26,920 26,994 38,062 -1 97,978
2004 6,993 21,093 4,232 17,659 R 22,412 R 33,520 27,817 27,895 38,713 -6 R 100,162
2005 6,909 21,626 4,051 R 17,857 R 21,411 R 32,446 28,272 28,353 39,638 (s) R 100,282
2006 R 6,168 R 20,688 R 3,747 R 17,711 R 21,536 R 32,401 28,751 28,830 39,428 (s) R 99,629
2007 R 6,598 R 21,531 R 3,922 R 18,255 R 21,370 R 32,394 R 29,029 R 29,117 40,377 R -1 R 101,296
2008 6,817 21,596 4,073 18,381 R 20,480 R 31,290 27,925 28,008 39,978 (s) R 99,275
2009 6,619 R 21,064 4,061 17,899 R 18,813 R 28,525 R 26,989 R 27,071 38,077 (s) R 94,559
2010 R 6,603 R 21,862 R 4,039 R 18,078 R 20,062 R 30,309 R 27,384 R 27,466 R 39,626 R 8 R 97,722
2011P 6,585 21,619 4,090 18,021 20,291 30,592 26,999 27,079 39,346 -9 97,301
1Commercial sector, including commercial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and commercial
electricity-only plants.
7A balancing item.  The sum of primary consumption in the five energy-use sectors equals the sum of
total consumption in the four end-use sectors.  However, total energy consumption does not equal the sum
of the sectoral components due to the use of sector-specific conversion factors for natural gas and coal.
2Industrial sector, including industrial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and industrial electricity-only
8Primary energy consumption total.  See Table 1.3.
3Electricity-only and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants within the NAICS 22 category whose
primary business is to sell electricity, or electricity and heat, to the public.
R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  (s)=Less than 0.5 trillion Btu and greater than -0.5 trillion Btu.  
4Through 1988, data are for electric utilities only; beginning in 1989, data are for electric utilities and
independent power producers.
Notes:  -  See Note 2, "Classification of Power Plants Into Energy-Use Sectors," at end of Section 8.
-  Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
5See "Primary Energy Consumption" in Glossary. Web Page:    See for updated monthly and
annual data.
6Total energy consumption in the end-use sectors consists of primary energy consumption, electricity
retail sales, and electrical system energy losses.  See Note, "Electrical System Energy Losses," at end of
Sources:  Tables 1.3 and 2.1b-2.1f.
Total Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)