2011 United Nations Young Professionals Program Examination

Esther Brimmer
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Washington, DC
July 22, 2011


I am delighted once again to let you know about an important way for American citizens to apply to work at the United Nations. The Young Professionals Program examination, formerly known as the National Competitive Recruitment Examination, is currently accepting applications.

The United Nations offers opportunities for Americans and others to have exciting careers in internationals relations. Despite the fact that the United States is actively engaged with the United Nations, Americans are underrepresented on the UN’s staff. Through the Young Professionals Program, you could help rectify that problem while launching a rewarding career in international relations.

The examination targets specific occupational fields. This year those fields are administration, humanitarian affairs, public information and statistics. Applicants must meet age, education, and language criteria. The application period runs until September 10, and the examination will be held on December 7.

You can learn more about the requirements and the application process by visiting the UN Careers website at careers.un.org. I encourage you and all interested Americans to learn more about the Young Professionals Program examination, and to explore the possibility of working for the United Nations.

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