Explanation of Vote by John F. Sammis, Deputy Representative to ECOSOC, on the Amendment to OP9 of the Third Committee Resolution A/C.3/66/L.43/Rev. 1 "Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in Enhancing Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization"

John F. Sammis
United States  Deputy Representative to ECOSOC 
New York, NY
November 18, 2011


Mr. Chairman,

The United States will vote against the Russian amendment to OP9 and in favor of retaining the current text as is and we encourage other delegations to do the same.

Through this proposal, the Russian delegation seeks to delete language that was consensus language from resolution 64/155 of the sixty-fourth session of this Committee. This language was agreed upon and these principles have been endorsed by the African Union, The European Commission, the Organization of American States, and many other organizations.

As was the case in 2009, when this Russian amendment was overwhelmingly defeated, we hope delegations will vote “YES” to retain the agreed language.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 


PRN: 2011/257