Bureau of Public Affairs: Broadcast Services

The Office of Broadcast Services (OBS) produces and distributes broadcast television and evolving media products and services in the U.S. and abroad. OBS connects the State Department live to U.S. and international TV broadcasters via fiber and satellite networks. OBS also supports the foreign affairs communication mission of the U.S. Department of State by producing live TV pool coverage of events involving the President, Secretary of State, and principal spokespeople; by producing television coverage of current events reflecting U.S. policy priorities; and by producing clip reels, special events programs, and co-productions with foreign broadcasters. The office also provides daily coverage of State Department and Foreign Press Center briefings, as well as foreign affairs hearings from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

The Office of Broadcast Services assists more than 100 small and large foreign TV news bureaus in the U.S. with live and taped coverage, B-roll footage, research, interviews and TV production assistance. OBS also works with the American Embassy TV Network (AETN), the Department of State’s global television network and a direct U.S. television resource for international broadcasters.  Office of Broadcast Services products and services:

  • Live and taped television interviews and media tours with State Department officials for news broadcasters worldwide
  • Daily coverage of State Department and Foreign Press Center briefings, and foreign affairs hearings from the U.S. House and Senate
  • Live and recorded coverage of the President and Secretary of State, and visits by foreign heads of governments
  • TV co-op productions and “TV Tours” with international broadcasters as a partnership with international media organizations based in the domestic U.S. and abroad to produce feature reports on American society and values
  • Assistance for foreign TV news bureaus in the U.S. and on special assignment with live coverage and videotapes of news events, b-roll footage, research, interviews and TV production assistance
  • Post-requested broadcast productions, targeted features, and special events coverage
  • Television clip reels of interviews and video footage for international broadcast distribution on U.S. Foreign Policy issues
  • Special events coverage of U.S.-hosted conferences and summit sessions

For definitions of initialisms and terms used in the broadcasting field, refer to our glossary.


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