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Data Sets Available on CDs

If you would like to order copies of any of these data sets please contact Lockheed Martin at 1-866-999-FERC(3372) or by email, and they will provide copies to you for a fee. In addition to those listed below, you may also order through Lockheed Martin copies on CD of most of the materials available on this web site.

Dataset Description CD Details
Western Sellers Submissions These are SAS versions of datasets submitted in response to a FERC letter order directing all jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional sellers with wholesales sales in US portion of Western Systems Coordinating Council to respond to information request. The datasets contain the consolidated raw data submitted. There are two CDs containing short term, monthly, and long term sales data.
Enron Gas NGPL and Power DPR reports These are Enron’s natural gas profit & loss reports for the years 2000 and 2001, and power daily position reports for the years 2000 and 2001. There are three CDs containing these files.
Enron Daily Gas and Basis Bench Reports Daily Gas Bench and Basis Bench reports for years 2000 and 2001. Lockheed Martin has produced these CDs with no particular granularity. The operating premise is to fill each CD with as much data as possible. You can order these CDs from Lockheed Martin or from FERC Public Reference Room.


Final Report on Price Manipulation In Western Markets (March 2003) Enron Investigation Enron Trading Memos Enforcement

Updated: December 15, 2010