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    Ames Laboratory senior scientist Bill McCallum talks about controlling the element cerium for use in rare-earth magnets. McCallum is working to develop a rare-earth magnet that uses more abundant cerium in place of neodymium. McCallum's work is being funded through a recent grant by ARPA-E, the Department of Energy's advanced research agency.


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    The Ames Laboratory was officially founded on May 17, 1947, following development of a process to purify uranium metal for the historic Manhattan Project.  From 1942 to 1946, Ames Lab scientists produced over two-million pounds of uranium metal.  This video details that work and has interviews with some of the researchers involved in the project.


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    This historical film footage, originally produced in the early 1950s as part of a series by WOI-TV, shows atomic research at Ames Laboratory. The work was conducted in a special area of the Laboratory known as the "Hot Canyon."


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    Ames Laboratory Director Alex King delivered the annual State of the Lab address on Thursday, May 17. This video presents highlights from the address.