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To request a print copy of the following publications, click here,
call 503-230-INFO [4636] or 1-800-622-4520, or e-mail

General Information

. . . . . A concise explanation of what BPA does. (10 pages, 7x7")
. . . . . A two-page collection of handy facts about BPA.
. . . . . A handy pocket collection of facts about BPA.
. . . . . BPA's responsibilities to the people and the environment of the Pacific Northwest. (8 pages)
. . . . . BPA news and public involvement opportunities for customers, constituents and the general public. A mailing list is available for this publication. (4 pages)
. . . . . Information on specific projects or issues. (Page numbers vary)
. . . . . Revenue and expenses; year in review.
. . . . . BPA's structure and leaders. (1 page, 11x17")
. . . . . Historical high points since BPA's creation in 1937. (8 pages)
. . . . . A reverse chronological listing of BPA's Records of Decision.


. . . . . Administrator Steve Wright has issued a letter to the region inviting interested parties to join him at the Jan. 31 meeting to provide information the agency should consider as it develops the initial spending levels for the formal Integrated Program Review, slated to begin this summer.
. . . . . Administrator Steve Wright has written a letter to the region explaining how cost management practices have contributed to the agency's positive revenue picture.



. . . . . BPA has researched and issued a comprehensive report outlining the steps it and others took during the recent high Columbia River streamflows to avoid harming fish because of excess spill.
  • Conferring with customers on BPA's transmission tariff
. . . . . Discussion of BPA's voluntary efforts to seek reciprocity status from FERC. (12 pages)
. . . . . Annual Report on Conservation Savings (32 pages)
. . . . . Interactive Sustainability Report
. . . . . Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (188 pages, technical appendixes = 1104 pages)

  • White Papers
. . . . . [aka, the "White Paper"] 2008 Initial Roadmap (31 pages)
. . . . . [aka, the "White Paper"] Challenge for the Northwest, Protecting and managing an increasingly congested transmission system. (34 pages)


. . . . . Information regarding BPA's Tribal Affairs services and programs. (Four-fold)
. . . . . The purpose, objectives, and principles of the BPA Tribal Policy. (Tri-fold)


. . . . . (45 x 34")
. . . . . (34 x 23")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (48 x 36")
. . . . . Lines by voltage (48 x 36")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . With BPA lines and counties (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (23 x 17")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")
. . . . . (11 x 8.5")

Also Available

Archive (discontinued publications)

. . . . . BPA examination of lessons learned from the 2000-2001 West Coast Energy Crisis
. . . . . BPA examination of lessons learned from the 2000-2001 West Coast Energy Crisis
. . . . . Background on electric utility issues (2005 - 2006)
. . . . . This is no longer being published
. . . . . This is no longer being published
. . . . . Information on current electric utility issues (2005)
. . . . . Information on current electric utility issues (2006)
. . . . . Specific project, program, or policy information (1996 - 2005)

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