FCVW2012 Call for Proposlas


Download the program hereKeynote and Panel Videos Posted


More videos will be posted as they come in!


Click here for links to the video presentations of the Keynotes and Panels


To follow the schedule and read up on the speakers you can download the conference program (pdf).




Who we are...


The Information Resources Management College (iCollege) of the National Defense University established the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds (FCVW) in July 2007. The consortium was created to explore multi-agency and intra- agency collaboration using the robust capabilities of virtual worlds, examining best practices across multiple sectors. The objective of the consortium is to help government agencies to share resources, training, and experience; leverage outreach capabilities and practices; connect to new partners and business opportunities; and demonstrate the benefits for virtual worlds’ collaborative capabilities.


The Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds (FCVW) consists of over 1,600 registered members from government (federal, state & local, & international), academia, and corporate sectors. The Consortium supports individuals and organizations to improve government collaboration through the use of virtual worlds to enrich collaborative online experiences, explore technologies that may enhance telework, and foster cross-agency collaboration. It provides a venue to share best practices and lessons learned for the collaborative use of virtual worlds, address common challenges, and create structures to share resources. An organization that uses a variety of collaborative technologies, the FCVW communication channels include an email announcements list, wiki knowledge base, and events. One of the most notable events is the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds annual conference, which is now in its fourth year. The 2010 conference was attended by over 350 in-person participants and over 3,200 virtual participants.






Conference Updates

Videos of FCVW2012 will be posted soon!




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