2002 Power Rate Case
Initial Proposal

(Updated on January 20, 2000)

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Federal Register Notice (PDF, 670 kb, dated August 13, 1999) announces BPA's proposed wholesale power rates and announces a series of Field Hearings to be held around the region this fall (see dates and locations below). "Sharing the Benefits" (Keeping Current, DOE/BP-3198, August 1999), is a summary of the initial proposal in an easy-to-read format - - also available as a PDF file (612 kb). "BPA proposes stable power rates for five years" (BPA News Release, August 13, 1999).

Supporting Studies (updated January 20, 2000)

Testimony (posted October 1, 1999, updated January 14, 2000)
Rebuttal Testimony (posted December 27, 1999. updated January 14, 2000)

Models Used for the 2002 Initial Power Rate Proposal :

Diagram of Model Relationships (PDF, 10 kb, posted August 26, 1999)
RiskMod (updated October 5 , 1999)
Risk Analysis and Mitigation Models (ToolKit and NORM) (updated January 20, 2000)
Marginal Cost Analysis (MCA) Data Base (AURORA) (updated August 30, 1999)
Rate Analysis Model (RAM) (updated November 19, 1999)

Letter to Rate Case Parties (PDF, 16 kb) - This letter announces a series of meetings and workshops for BPA rate case parties. While the general public does not attend these meetings and workshops, the public is invited to participate this fall in a series of evening meetings around the region (see dates and locations below). Written public comments are welcome at any time until November 30 (revised date). Direct your comments to: Manager, Corporate Communications - CK; Bonneville Power Administration; P.O. Box 12999; Portland, Oregon 97212.

Final Service List of Rate Case Parties (updated December 15, 1999)
   PDF Version (44 kb) / MSWord Version (140 kb)

Dates & Locations for Public Field Hearings (all scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM)
   [ See September 14th letter for more information: PDF version (16 kb) / MSWord Version (44 kb). ]

September 30, 1999 - Idaho Falls, Idaho
October 4, 1999 - Pasco, Washington
October 5, 1999 - Missoula, Montana
October 6, 1999 - Spokane, Washington
October 7, 1999 - Everett, Washington
October 12, 1999 - Olympia, Washington
October 13, 1999 - Eugene, Oregon
October 14, 1999 - Portland, Oregon
Additional Field Hearing: November 9, 1999 - Seattle, Washington
   [ See October 27th letter for more information: PDF version / MSWord Version. ]

Information provided by: Greg Gustafson, BPA Power Business Line, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov
Web page updated by Jim Viskov, jsviskov@bpa.gov