Secretary Locke and USTR Ambassador Kirk Travel to Memphis to Discuss Exports and the Economy

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Secretary Locke shaking a Fed Ex worker's hand

Locke, Kirk joined by FedEx officials and local businesses to highlight President Obama’s National Export Initiative

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ron Kirk are visiting the Memphis, Tenn. area this week to meet with local businesses and discuss the opportunities and challenges of exporting. Locke and Kirk toured the FedEx Express Super Hub on Tuesday night where each day, millions of packages are moved through the hub to reach over 220 countries and territories around the world.  They also held a rountable discussion on exports and the economy with small- and medium-sized businesses today to discuss President Obama’s National Export Initiative (NEI) and how it can help U.S. companies sell more of their goods and services overseas and support the creation of American jobs.

The NEI aims to double U.S. exports over the next five years while supporting two million American jobs. It will provide more funding, more focus and more Cabinet-level coordination to grow U.S. exports, and represents the first time the United States will have a government-wide export-promotion strategy with focused attention from the president and his Cabinet.  Remarks

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International Trade & Duties on Chinese Imports

When The Dept. of Commerce placed a 90% duty on wire hangers produced in China, did they realize that they were giving birth to a new form of criminal activity? The Chinese manufacturers simply mislabel their
boxes of hangers "Made in Korea" or "made in Taiwan" and thereby avoid the duty. Obviously this is illegal and an American hanger distributor who traffics in these "illegal hangers" is breaking the law and is profiting tremendously. Those distributors who refuse to break the law are doomed to going bankrupt. U.S. Customs (DHS) has been totally unsuccessful in enforcing the payment of these duties because they fail to stop the illegal (mislabeled) hangers from passing through U.S. ports. Approximately 95% of the wire hangers entering the U.S. are of the illegal variety (produced in China-mislabeled another country) Does the Dept of Commerce realize that the main affect of the duty on Chinese hangers is that it forces honest hanger supply companies out of business?

This is great that they are

This is great that they are working hard to promote the creation of American jobs. That has been such a tough subject for so long and people just need to get working. When you're not working it causes a lot of stress. You worry about money, get antsy that you have so much time on your hands, feel bad about yourself that you can't get a job, etc.