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Media Contact: Fred Strohl
Communications and Media Relations

ORNL accelerator earns nuclear historic site designation

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OAK RIDGE, Tenn., April 5, 2007 — A 38-year-old accelerator at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been recognized as a Nuclear Historic Landmark.

Oak Ridge's Sherrill Greene says the American Nuclear Society recognizes the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator for what it has accomplished and paving the way for a more viable and safer nuclear energy in the future.

"It is so important really to control nuclear reactors and enabling us to safely handle nuclear materials for processing, for fabricating fuels, for reprocessing fuels and so forth," Greene says.

Currently undergoing a refurbishing, the accelerator is a research vehicle that has led to the publication of more than 550 papers and reports related to nuclear energy.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.