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Former Worker Medical Screening Program


The Former Worker Medical Screening Program (FWP) provides ongoing medical screening examinations, at no cost, to all former DOE Federal, contractor, and subcontractor workers who may be at risk for occupational diseases. The FWP is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) and reflects our commitment to the health and safety of all DOE workers - past and present - who have served the Nation in its National security and other missions.

The FWP was established following the issuance of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (PL 102-484), which called for DOE to assist workers with determining whether they had health issues related to their prior work with DOE. The medical screening efforts were initiated in 1996.

The FWP uses independent occupational health experts from universities, labor unions, and commercial organizations to administer the medical screening program. To ensure objective and credible medical examinations, the exams are offered by third-party providers. Screenings are provided at clinics in communities near DOE sites, as well as through a large network of health clinics nationwide to allow for services to be provided in close proximity to most workers' residences. In fact, this vast network of clinics has allowed the FWP to provide participant exams in all 50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.

Medical screening is a strategy used to identify diseases or conditions in a select population at an early stage, often before signs and symptoms develop, and to refer individuals with suspicious findings to their personal physician or a specialist for further testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Follow-up care is not covered by the FWP, and the medical screening program is not intended to serve as a substitute for routine medical exams through an individual's personal physician.

The screening examinations provided through the FWP are specifically designed to check for adverse health outcomes related to a broad range of potentially hazardous exposures, including radiation, beryllium, asbestos, lasers, silica, lead, cadmium, chromium, solvents, noise, and other occupational exposures.

The components of the screening examination are based on an individual's work and exposure history. The screening exam may include a physical exam, chest x-ray, breathing test, hearing exam, basic blood work, and urinalysis, as well as specialized blood and urine tests for certain at-risk individuals.

The FWP infrastructure consists of four designated regional projects located near major DOE sites, as well as two nationwide projects. The regional projects include:

  • Pantex Former Worker Program, conducted by Drexel University in conjunction with The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Tyler and West Texas A & M Partners Clinic
  • Medical Exam Program for Former Workers from Los Alamos and Sandia (NM) National Laboratories conducted by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in conjunction with the University of New Mexico
  • Worker Health Protection Program conducted jointly by Queens College of the City University of New York, United Steelworkers, the Atomic Trades and Labor Council in Oak Ridge, and the former Fernald Atomic Trades and Labor Council
  • Former Worker Medical Screening Program for Line 1/Division B Iowa Army Ammunition Plant and Ames Laboratory conducted by The University of Iowa College of Public Health

The two nationwide projects include:

  • The National Supplemental Screening Program, conducted by Oak Ridge Associated Universities in conjunction with National Jewish Health, Comprehensive Health Services, Axion Health, and the University of Colorado Denver
  • The Building Trades National Medical Screening Program, conducted by CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training in conjunction with the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center, and Zenith American Solutions, Inc.

In FY 2005, DOE also initiated a separate beryllium sensitization screening effort for employees of defunct DOE beryllium vendors who were employed with these companies while they performed work for DOE. These individuals typically have no other access to the beryllium sensitization screening, because their employers are no longer in business.

Most participants of the FWP and the beryllium vendor screening program have been reassured that they were not harmed, and those with medical findings have been assisted with referral for medical follow-up and/or to the Department of Labor's Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICP).

Program Manager: Mary Fields
(301) 903-1613

Related Documents & Links

  • 2011 Former Worker Medical Screening Program Annual Report - The 2011 Annual Report presents a detailed overview of the accomplishments, progress, and future endeavors of the U.S. Department of Energy Former Worker Medical Screening Program. The report describes how the program is implemented, what organizations are involved in the medical screening efforts, and what the medical findings have been to date.
  • FWP Brochure - The FWP brochure provides important information to inform former and current DOE Federal, contractor, and subcontractor employees about the benefits and services offered under the DOE Former Worker Medical Screening Program. Some of the topics described in the brochure include: a description of the program, how it is implemented, who is eligible to participate, what tests are offered, where exams are conducted, and what organizations provide the exams.
  • FWP Medical Protocol - The medical protocol is intended to identify work-related health outcomes of relevance to DOE workers for which there are screening tests that are reasonably likely to be effective and beneficial to program participants. The protocol is intended to ensure consistency of approach in the medical evaluation of participants.
  • FWP Summary of Services - The summary of services provides a listing of the DOE sites, by state, served by the Former Worker Medical Screening Program (FWP), including the name and contact information for the specific FWP project that provides the service.
  • FWP Surveillance Case Definitions - The surveillance case definitions were developed by a group of occupational medicine physicians that make up the FWP medical task group, to define the occupational medical conditions commonly discovered during the FWP medical screening exam to ensure consistency when reporting such conditions to DOE.
  • Tri-fold: Agencies Assisting with EEOICPA and the Former Worker Program - Agencies Assisting with EEOICPA and the Former Worker Program- The Tri-fold provides an overview of each of the agencies'/programs' roles when assisting DOE covered workers under the Department of Labor Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) and the DOE Former Worker Program.

This page was last updated on February 07, 2013