U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice 	Programs; National Institute of Justice The Research, Development, and Evaluation Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice ProgramsNational Institute of JusticeThe Research, Development, and Evaluation Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice
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At the Crime Scene

Home > Safety > General Guidelines > At the Crime Scene

Safe handling of firearm evidence prior to arrival at the laboratory is critical. The on-site protocols used by investigators or crime scene technicians for the collection, packaging, and preservation of evidence items should address the potential dangers. These protocols must be followed whether the intention is to ship or hand-carry the evidence to the laboratory.

Unloaded handgun, with safety in place, secured into a cardboard evidence box with zip ties.

Safely packaged firearm

Courtesy of Tri-Tech Inc., Southport, NC

Firearms collected during a crime scene search should be unloaded and made safe according to laboratory protocols. If there is any doubt as to the procedure for unloading a firearm and making it safe, assistance should be requested from a competent source (firearms instructor, departmental armorer, or an on-site firearm examiner).  Unloaded ammunition should be packaged separately, marked, and identified as to the firearm from which it was removed.

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