Today's Military:

Career Profiles

Because there are so many possible career paths, every servicemember enjoys a unique experience in the Military. The profiles here are personal stories of how various servicemembers succeeded in their careers and how they got to where they are today.

Law Enforcement, Security and Protective Services Careers

  • Adrien Cheval.

    Adrien Cheval
    Maritime Law Enforcement Boarding Officer/Response Boat Coxswain
    Coast Guard Reserve

    I received an advertisement in the mail with information on the Coast Guard Reserve, which I found to be very exciting, as I had always wanted to serve in the Coast Guard, but I was not aware that there was ... View profile

  • Christopher Vogt.

    Christopher Vogt
    Canine Handler
    Marine Corps

    As early as the age of five, Christopher Vogt knew he wanted to join the Military. Christopher even knew which Service he wanted to join since his father was in the Marine Corps. His father was more than happy to ... View profile

  • Michael Kuhn.

    Michael Kuhn
    Military Police

    “I’ve never really thought of working in the business world. I like the fact that… I was part of something bigger and not just working for profit… like I was working towards a higher purpose…” To understand Army Maj. Michael ... View profile

  • Takila McCown.

    Takila McCown
    Marine Inspector
    Coast Guard

    “I really enjoy the military lifestyle. I like moving around. I like meeting new people. I like going to new cities. I get bored very easily when I am in one place for too long, so the military lifestyle really ... View profile

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