News Room

News About the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

November 15, 2010

WTSP CBS-10 (Florida) - New clinic opens in Tampa built with stimulus dollars

[MEMBER MENTIONED: Kathy Castor (FL-11)]

Congresswoman Kathy Castor opened the doors to a brand new East Tampa clinic on Saturday. Tampa Family Health Centers received $1.3 million in federal stimulus dollars to build the brand new facility.

Castor says the new clinic will be a safe haven for local families dealing with stressful situations.

It will provide health care and dental services to anyone regardless of their insurance coverage. [11/14/10]

The Gustine Press-Standard (California) - New health care home for Merced area seniors

[MEMBER MENTIONED:  Dennis Cardoza (CA-18)]

Thanks to a $9.5 million grant from the federal government, Golden Valley Health Centers is breaking ground for a new, state-of-the-art, comprehensive medical facility to serve the health and wellness needs of Merced area seniors.

The funding was made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and will allow Golden Valley to provide health care services for an estimated additional 4,500 patients annually.  To serve those new patients Golden Valley will hire approximately 30 new permanent staff.  The project will also create over 200 construction jobs.

“We are grateful for the stimulus funding which will allow us to expand comprehensive health and wellness services to our seniors while creating hundreds of jobs that are so desperately needed here in the valley,” noted Golden Valley CEO Michael Sullivan.  “I am particularly grateful to the critical role that Congressman Dennis Cardoza played in securing this funding.” [11/13/10]

Minneapolis Star-Tribune (Minnesota) - Stimulus spurs St. Paul housing

One of the few oases in these lean times has been the construction of affordable "workforce" multifamily housing whose funding gaps have been filled by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, otherwise known as the federal stimulus. The city of St. Paul was particularly adept at snagging stimulus dollars for a series of "adaptive reuse" projects that are currently providing employment for scores of construction workers, engineers and architects.

Three such projects involving the conversion of vacant commercial buildings are either ongoing or will be soon in the city's downtown, involving a total of 250 units of affordable housing.

….the complicated and costly Renaissance Box restoration would likely still be on the drawing boards if it weren't for the availability of federal stimulus funds.

It came as part of an effort launched last year by St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman to pool federal stimulus dollars with state resources to kick-start $71 million in housing construction citywide, creating 250 to 300 construction jobs, said Diane Nordquist, a project manager with the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. [11/14/10]

The Birmingham News (Alabama) - Alabama homes weatherproofed with stimulus funds

Under the federal stimulus bill, Alabama received $72 million to be spent over three years on sealing leaks, insulating and improving energy efficiency for low-income households.

As of Oct. 31, 3,159 homes statewide had been weatherized, including 350 in Jefferson County, where work on more than 100 other homes is in progress.

The program is intended to provide multiple spin-off benefits. It puts contractors to work at a time when construction activity is slow. It improves comfort and provides energy savings for homeowners, leaving them with more cash in their pockets over the long term. It makes a dent in power demand and decreases pollution and greenhouse gases from power production. [11/15/10]

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