News Room

News About the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

May 18, 2009

Daily Republic (South Dakota) – Rounds: Stimulus can retrain workers

The federal stimulus measure is providing a chance to help some jobless people get training so they can get better jobs as the economy recovers, Gov. Mike Rounds said…

Stimulus money will pay universities and technical schools to set up courses needed by workers and businesses, Rounds said. Other programs also can pay tuition for people to get retrained in those classes.

“We can pay for the tuition to send them back to school while they are still getting unemployment benefits,” Rounds said… [5/18/09]

Detroit News (Michigan) – Michigan puts $3.8B in stimulus money to work

Michigan has received $3.8 billion in federal stimulus money -- about half the amount it expects to get over two years -- in the first 90 days since President Barack Obama signed the recovery act, the governor's office reported today.

About 3,400 local governments, schools, nonprofit organizations and individual citizens have received the federal cash, said Leslee Fritz, director of the state recovery office… [5/18/09]

KIFI Local News 8 (Idaho) – Idaho Leading the Way In Federal Transportation Stimulus Projects

Idaho has secured almost 78 percent of its federal transportation stimulus funding, second only to Oklahoma…

"The transportation department is delivering on my promise to put these taxpayer dollars to work as soon as possible by creating good jobs for Idaho families," Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter said… [5/18/09]

Delaware County Daily Times (Pennsylvania) - Editorial: Stimulus package is showing some results

…Obama knew the clean-up job wasn’t going to be easy long before he was elected. He was aware he would have to make unpopular decisions to repair the ill-conceived ones made by his predecessor.

Pushing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was an especially audacious effort on the president’s part because it is costing the country $787 billion.

But slowly, Americans are beginning to see that it is a good investment… [5/18/09]

CNN – A New Road and 25 Jobs: What Stimulus Cash Buys

The staff of D'Ambra Construction, a family-run company in Warwick, R.I., dropped from 150 workers to 75 last year. "It was dismal," D'Ambra says of his firm's workload. "In the winter, it's normal for the [number of employees] to go down, but this spring, we couldn't call back very many."

D'Ambra Construction started landing Department of Transportation (DOT) contracts 20 years ago, and typically derives more than half of its annual sales from the work. Drawing on his decades of experience with the contracting process, D'Ambra placed a bid for the stimulus job. Moving quickly, the DOT awarded his firm the deal for $2.5 million.

On March 12, at a ceremony held by Governor Donald Carcieri, D'Ambra signed the contract. Less than two weeks later, his company broke ground, hiring back 25 of the workers it had let go…[5/18/09]